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Recent content by Nicholas Van Orton

  1. Nicholas Van Orton

    books/courses on international taxation

    Despite the controversy (sort of, lol), OP @scooterguy has some valid points; in particular, that the PWC free docs provide more or less the same value as IBFD's books. IBFD's resources are worth exploring IMHO (webinars and other online specific mateiral that you may find better suited for your...
  2. Nicholas Van Orton

    What is the best way to raise 25M EUR?

    Hi OP, there is a specialized medical devides company in Spain (unique in its field, exporting to Japan, US, Middle East, India), that might be of interest for a takeover. The owner is old and has no real succession plan, and I believe I might persuade him to engage in talks if that's something...
  3. Nicholas Van Orton

    @hokus Hi, my TG +971524231532, we can chat there, thanks.

    @hokus Hi, my TG +971524231532, we can chat there, thanks.
  4. Nicholas Van Orton

    FOR SALE UAE Freezone company with mashreq bank

    Can we discuss it in private? Thanks. PS. I don't think I can send DM, so starting a private thread might be the best option initially?
  5. Nicholas Van Orton

    FOR SALE UAE Freezone company with mashreq bank

    Interested. How much are you asking for it and why? Mashreq Neo account not that appealing to me, though. NVO
  6. Nicholas Van Orton

    FOR SALE UAE Freezone company with mashreq bank

    Hi OP, is the company still available for sale on the latest terms you outlined? If yes, please DM or contact me to discuss. Genuinely interested and would move fast. Thanks, NVO
  7. Nicholas Van Orton

    Hello, II'm interested in finding an e-commerce / sales growth partner for a business. Would you...

    Hello, II'm interested in finding an e-commerce / sales growth partner for a business. Would you like to discuss it?
  8. Nicholas Van Orton

    Does anyone have a solution for money stuck at PayPal?

    Hello, someone I know has a $1m+ problem stuck at PayPal. Willing to engage with anybody who can tinker a solution and release his money. Healthy payout if you're knowledgeable and provide a satisfactory conclusion to the matter. I'm just the go-to guy, will put whoever shows some credentials...
  9. Nicholas Van Orton

    Hi, are you still around? Want to talk? Session...

    Hi, are you still around? Want to talk? Session: 056f3d674e505ae9d5f6107bf13d1ba943b5931b6c728b7353f6daf33be3f26d2f
  10. Nicholas Van Orton

    Safari Lodge Kenya

    Not to start a private conversation, as far as I know...been here long enough (as a paid and non-paid member) to realize that. Further, the error message I got has nothing to do with that. NVO
  11. Nicholas Van Orton

    Safari Lodge Kenya

    Hi @wellington , tied to start a conversation in private with you but kept getting the "Oops! we ran into some problems" message, so I'm leaving my address here: invesconsult (-at-) protonmail . com . Looking forward to talking to you. Any help on the funding side and on-site contacts that can...
  12. Nicholas Van Orton

    Safari Lodge Kenya

    Hi @ReMida , can't DM you, so I'll psot the answer here. We've got an on-site group for the management of the resort, both at the online and offline fronts. Well covered. NVO
  13. Nicholas Van Orton

    Where are you going after the UAE?

    SMLLCs as disregarded entities are indeed an excellent alternative for single-member ventures and 0% TAX for non-US residents. Quite surprised it isn't displayed more often around here and definitely a much better option for the nomad tech geeks worldwide than the Dubai/UAE smothering hype. NVO
  14. Nicholas Van Orton

    Hello, I'm interested to connect and have a chat with you on your thread's topic. My WApp...

    Hello, I'm interested to connect and have a chat with you on your thread's topic. My WApp +971524231532. Thanks. NVO
  15. Nicholas Van Orton

    Dubai Crypto Company Experience

    Check www.10leaves.ae they may be of assistance in the matter. They are knowledgeable and quick-minded, also very competitive pricing. Hope it does help you. NVO