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Recent content by nyanyanya

  1. nyanyanya

    From Spain to somewhere

    Hey! I'm a human being from Spain, quite good on sales and marketing, trying to scape from this tax Hell the best way I can. I will read you around. Thanks to everybody!
  2. nyanyanya

    Spain + Estonia

    Thank you very much for the tips. Substance is the key, then. I will try to find more information about that and how to do it.
  3. nyanyanya

    Spain + Estonia

    Do you know if, as a Spanish resident, one can own a company outside Spain and conduct business without tax obligations to Spain? I am concerned about Article 8.1 of the Corporate Tax Law (LIS), point C. It states that any entity with effective management in Spain will be considered a resident...
  4. nyanyanya

    US LLC + Spain

    Hey! I will try to help you. Use the translator please: Artículo 8.1 de la Ley del Impuesto sobre Sociedades (LIS) Se considerarán residentes en territorio español las entidades en las que concurra alguno de los siguientes requisitos: a)Que se hubieran constituido conforme a las leyes...