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Important! Security update: IE/Edge not working for forum browsing!


Dec 29, 2008
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We are in the process of improving (harden) the security of the forum software, add on's, and the entire server including external services used.

Since the change to the latest TSL security protocol 1.3 it looks like that Internet Explore / Edge does not support this update and for that reason can't be used to browse the forum at the moment.

During the next weeks we will be working with a security team on the security of OffshoreCorpTalk.com and for that reason you may experience issues from time to time.

I will update this thread once we have finished the process and in normal operation again.

Thank you for your continued support.

Admin :)
According to our information Chrome and Firefox works fine, we can also not see any impact on the traffic going down. But thanks for your input it's great to have you onboard.
Thank you for your comment, we are still working on it, things get better from day to day so we are hopeful :)

So far we managed to get Internet Explorer / Edge to work properly again with the forum.

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