There are lots of question in regards to which bank to use that has less requirements to documents that need to be submitted to the bank, below is such a bank, at least it is what we got informed by some clients about.
Please use them at own risk!Banco Trasatlantico specializes in providing offshore banking services for private clients and corporate clients.
Banco Trasatlantico specializes in providing offshore banking services for private clients and corporate clients. It was originally established in 1979. Most of the clients are international regulated businesses as well as professionals who have retired from work. Many clients who are seeking financial freedoms put their trusts in the bank. Banco Trasatlantico offers protection for their wealth and help them to generate more profit.
Banco Trasatlantico used to be known as the Griffon Bank Limited. It operates according to offshore Banking act of 1996. The bank is in association with Banco Trasatlantico S. A, a bank based in Panama. The two banks are members of the International banking group. If the assets of the two banks are combined, it will sum up to a total of USD $7 billions. The bank primarily operates in markets such as European Union, Russia and Ukraine. The private banking services are offered in a protected environment operated by the Dominica Government and Eastern Caribbean Central Bank. The clients’ assets will never be confiscated by the third parties.
Customers who are planning to move abroad can hire the private banking services. The bank offers a variety of services that suit your needs. It allows customers to manage their finance through the internet banking services. With the internet banking services, customers don’t have to use any software to monitor their account. Customers can use the account manager to manage all their banking needs. They can easily deposit all their earnings including salary, retirement funds, and individual earnings into the current accounts. Besides, customers can apply for a debit/credit card. Customers can choose to convert the current account into a joint account. To form a joint account, customers have to provide an additional name.
Banco Trasatlantico offers three level securities for the banking services. Powerful encryption system is used to protect the personal information of the clients from unauthorized people such as hackers. Customers will be able to access their online account for 24 hours per day. There will be staff constantly monitoring the activities that take place on the accounts. Customers can carry out various types of banking services including exchange currencies, deposit funds and etc.
It is easy to open an account with Banco Trasatlantico. The first step is to complete the application form. There are two types of bank accounts including corporate and private bank accounts. After the application form is completed, it should be forwarded to the office through email. The supporting documents must be attached along with the application form. The account number notification will be sent to the customers through email as soon as the application is approved. Customers are required to send the original documents through the courier mail. After the bank has received the original documents, the staff will credit the Banco Trasatlantico Ltd account. Next, they will send the account package to the customer. The account package contains three important information including login, password and iBank security card. All the information that are forwarded to the bank will never be revealed to any third party.
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