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Recent content by MaxFS

  1. MaxFS

    EMI for US company with Russian founders

    But it's still just visa. Do they provide some kind of local ID card?
  2. MaxFS

    Sole trader keeps getting refused, need a personal EMI account with USD, AUD and other main currencies.

    I know that Statrys opens 2 kinds of accounts: Sole proprietorship, Company.
  3. MaxFS

    EMI/bank for HK company, UBO in high risk countries

    Ok your nationality is Russian, but what is your country of residence? I mean, maybe you had problems because your country of residence is Russia? P.S Actually, i have a similar problem, though for me it's not that complicated, i work with adsense mostly.
  4. MaxFS

    An EMI for both EU and Russia

    Hi! I doubt you can find such EMI, though there are a bunch of bank in CIS working with Russian RUB. As far as I remember here on this forum I saw representative of Jusan bank (Kazakhstan) who promoted opening of corporate bank account remotely...
  5. MaxFS

    Will my home country find out about my US residency?

    it depends on your home country, but actually i doubt it's possible. For instance, in my home country you have to notify about second citizenship, but nobody does it.
  6. MaxFS

    Political risk with HK banks

    I think if western countries cut off international payments in China it would be collapse affecting the whole world economy. I doubt it's gonna happen. It only makes Chinese CIPS (equivalent of SWIFT) more valuable and powerful. Moreover, even now in Russia there are banks still working with...
  7. MaxFS

    Hong Kong Company: Possible to open local Bank Accounts?

    BTW How often can company owner withdraw dividends in Hong Kong? Is there any specific law there?
  8. MaxFS

    Hong Kong Residence Permit

    In addition, you have to pay for annual audit, often price for the service also depends on amount of income.
  9. MaxFS

    WANT TO BUY bank/Neobank/EMI account opening service for a company registered in Hong Kong

    Have you tried Airwallex? They literally state that they accept Russian UBO: https://help.airwallex.com/hc/en-gb/articles/900001757026-Can-I-open-an-account-with-Airwallex-
  10. MaxFS

    EMI/Online bank that can send money to Tinkoff or Sberbank

    I meant Easy Staff. it seems nowadays there are a bunch of such services. Have you tried Solar staff? How was it?
  11. MaxFS

    EMI/Online bank that can send money to Tinkoff or Sberbank

    I wouldn't recommend crypto payments. It's a gray zone in Russia (still), everything could be fine, but suddenly bank could ask for additional documents and etc. Time to time Russians working in this field get their account blocked. As for Tinkoff bank, they have special scheme - Tinkoff GtPaid...
  12. MaxFS

    UK LTD + Residency in Malasya/Thailand?

    Really? What country is that? If it's not a secret.
  13. MaxFS

    YouTube, Hong Kong company and the US tax information exchange agreement

    Hi! i have a company in HK and one of my source of income is YouTube. I know it's not convenient to have YT AdSense in HK because HK and The US don't have tax treaty, but for me (for now) it's more or less okay. i've figured that HK jurisdiction and neobanks don't like crypto and other payment...
  14. MaxFS

    Russian President Putin announces military operation in Ukraine

    Well i think it's always possible to find the truth if you can analyse different sources, compare and think logically. For instance i read 3 type of sources (Western in English, Ukrainian and Russian). Thank you for the information. So two storages near docks are destroyed, lighthouse and 3...
  15. MaxFS

    Russian President Putin announces military operation in Ukraine

    Sounds like an excuse, after a failed mission. Let's use our critical thinking. The location is strategic, but it matters when you have ships to use it strategically. You said the mission was to destroy buildings. Ok. have you seen those buildings? Do you really think it was worth wasting...