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16 Most Influential People on the Web


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Jan 3, 2009
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According to WebGeek the below are the most influence people on the Internet, interesting what makes them this!

As the World Wide Web evolves, the role of the web users will evolve with it. WebGeek Philippines put together a list of the 16 Most Influential People on the Web .



Mark Zuckerberg – the founder and CEO of Facebook, which he started in his college dorm room in 2004 with roomates Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes.

No. 2

Sergey Brin & Larry Page - Virtually inseparable as the founders of the Web’s most dominant force, the pair of billionaires preside over Google (GOOG) as presidents of technology and products, respectively, only nominally under CEO Eric Schmidt.

No. 3

Michael Arrington - Serial entrepreneur and the founder of TechCrunch, a blog covering startups and technology news.

No. 4

Steve Jobs – Having brought Apple (AAPL) off the ropes after his return as CEO in 1996, Jobsrevolutionized how people get music from the Web, introducing the iPod digital music player in 2001 and later opening the iTunes Music Store.

No. 5

Matt Mullenweg – A former CNET employee, Matt is the cofounding developer behind the open source WordPress blogging platform and its founding company Automattic.

No. 6

Tim Berners-Lee - an Oxford-trained scientist, invented the World Wide Web in 1989 by designing a way to create links, or hypertext, amid different pieces of online information.

No. 7

Jimmy Wales – Co-founder of Wikipedia, this person gave us a very unique website named Wikepedia the online encyclopedia.

No. 8

Arianna Huffington – Arianna Huffington is the co-founder and editor-in-chief of The Huffington Post, a nationally syndicated columnist, and author of eleven books including her latest, “On Becoming Fearless… in Love, Work, and Life”.

No. 9

Tim O’Reilly – O’Reilly started publishing computer books in the ’80s, and two decades later, his company’s programming guides (the ones with the line drawings of animals on the covers) are ubiquitous in the geek sections of bookstores.

No. 10

Craig Newmark – who provided a whole new dimension to the internet Advertising World. His Well Known Creation Named Craiglist.

No. 11

Evan Williams – CEO of Twitter and many reffer to him as the father of blogging. He gave the word blogger to the World Wide Web for the first time.

No. 12

Jeff Bezos – In 1994, Jeff Bezos saw a startling statistic: Web usage was growing at 2,300% a year.

No. 13

Marissa Mayer – Google’s vice-president for search products and user experience also determines the look of Google on the Web.

No. 14

Kevin Rose – Serial entrepreneur and the Founder of Digg and WeFollow. Rose also co-founded Revision3, and Pownce (acquired by Six Apart).

No. 15

Steve Ballmer – One of the richest people on earth with an estimated wealth of around $15 billion and the CEO Of the Microsoft Corporation since 2000.

No. 16

Jerry Yang – co-created the Yahoo Internet navigational guide in April 1994 with David Filo and co-founded Yahoo Inc. in April 1995.
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Reactions: JohnLocke
That would interest me too:frustrate: I guess it is enough that Steve Ballmer is there ;)