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Banking for the Permanent Traveler (Retired)


Offshore Agent
Mar 1, 2012
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Maybe someone can help me with this one:

I am newly retired and currently live on a boat in the Caribbean. (No I'm not rich but have about $300,000 in savings... no pension.)

Priority One: Safety and Security. At this stage in my life I have stopped gambling in stocks and short term investments.

I would like to place my money in a major financial institution operating in a stable, first world country that adheres to bank secrecy laws... no banana republics.

I want a bond fund that pays a monthly dividend into an account which I can access by an ATM Card anywhere in North and Central America including the Caribbean. I don't want to pay fees. Where I am presently located I can only remove $100 at a time at a cost of 6%... unacceptable.

Due to my lifestyle I have a current passport but no permanent address nor a telephone number. Everything must be done on line including opening the account.

Anyone have any ideas for me? I would very much appreciate any assistance given toward helping me set up my finances for this coming stage of my life.