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Question Best EU jurisdiction for a real estate holding


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Nov 27, 2019
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THis's a quite easy matter I think.
I'm permanently moving abroad (this will happen in just few weeks) so I'll change my residency.
Now I live in an EU country where I've a home bought in my name (with tax paid funds) and my brother wants to donate a second home registered to an UK company (bought with tax paid funds as well and it's all 100% legal considering he lives abroad).

The idea is to move both homes under the full control of an holding after that the UK company will get dissolved.
I'll be the sole admin/shareholder of this holding.

What's the best juristidction to set it up here in Europe ? I'll move to Portugal and maybe opening one there might be an option too but I'll check.
I'm looking for the safest/cheapest structure easy to setup/manage without too many hassles.

The only function of the holding will be to safeguard these two properties because I don't want to have anything registered in my name as a pyisical person once I'll leave.
Any idea ? Thanks in advance.
Any holding jurisdiction would do - especially one which would have a double tax treaty with the country where the property is situated, or which would unilaterally not tax rental income or capital gains. Also it might be advisable ( although obviously more costly) to transfer each property on a different company. this would allow better future management especially if you consider selling, with opportunity for selling the shares instead of the property and potentially save on transfer fees or capital gains ( depending always on the jurisdiction the properties are situated).
Also once you do the transfer from your name or UK co to the holding company you should see whether any taxes or transfer fees should arise.
Maybe it s a good idea to keep the UK co if you are to avoid taxes and duties.
The defining factor would be the country where the properties are currently situated.
Good luck!
Both properties have a low market value but I'd like to keep them mainly as an affective value so moving them to the same holding company. We may have some issues in keeping the UK company which's a normal one and ot an holding so the best thing is paying the needed to transfer the assets in the holding. Ok I'll start to check/compare the structure proposed by the most accredited EU companies incl Netherlands and Luxembourg.
You may also check Cyprus and Malta.
It could evwn make sense to check trqditional offshore jursdictions like belize, seychelles marshall islands etc. Again these might work for pure asset holding and are cheaper and with less compliance requirements.
Also i doubt your UK entiry vannot be converted to a hold co, unless there are other reasons you want to avoid that.
Hi @OffshoreResearch, at the end which holding company did you choose ?

I'm also looking for a holding company for my real estate portfolio in Europe. My goal is to avoid registering properties with my own name.
Hi, which countries do you own property in? Cyprus is a very good jurisdiction for setting up holding companies, and also broadening your investment portfolio with properties with very good income.
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