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Does Bankera Work With Stripe?


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Aug 12, 2021
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Just wanted to know if someone had tried linking their bankers account with stripe?

I usually use (WISE) but they give a lot of issues and ask a lot of questions most of the time, I was thinking to get bankera instead.

Can we be able to link bankera to stripe and withdraw money from Stripe to the (bankera account)?
I don't know if I can think of any examples of that specific configuration, but there shouldn't be any problems with settling Stripe into Bankera. Stripe is usually happy to settle into any EU/EEA IBAN for EU/EEA merchants.

From the information provided, this sounds more like Stripe not trusting you for some reason than Stripe having opinions about which financial institution you use.
Wonder if @Gediminas can help you with anything here.
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Good day to all.

Just wanted to know if someone had tried linking their bankers account with stripe?

I usually use (WISE) but they give a lot of issues and ask a lot of questions most of the time, I was thinking to get bankera instead.

Can we be able to link bankera to stripe and withdraw money from Stripe to the (bankera account)?
Stripe usually needs a local bank account for the company (having company and bank in the same country). Manager / owners can be from different location if you can provide kyc docs for them.
Stripe usually needs a local bank account for the company (having company and bank in the same country). Manager / owners can be from different location if you can provide kyc docs for them.
@Sols is right here, you can usually use any EU (sometimes EEA) IBAN for Stripe as an EU merchant, because of the laws on IBAN discrimination
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