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End of EU started today

Yeah because they would tell you that they build permanent walls to keep your inside LOL
How naive can someone be ?

Also who cares about a border on the east side ?You know any immigrants who want to stay in hungary or poland instead of western countries because i dont .

I know people unable to think themself but just take the opinion of an article as valid.
Lets wait a bit and see the conclusion of EU judges how they will close the money stream

Defending against whom ?The immigrants who are being flight in via airplanes ?

Exectly and EU + eastern europe are deep communists and why you think they are building the wall ?
You think pigs can jump 2m that they need such a high wall ?

Oh ......maybe both isolated themself and their citizens so they couldn't escape from what is coming ?

and you must be blind that its being executed 1:1.Also Stratfor and Friedmann are US think tank #1 what they say is important
I always envied people who know everything, never had any doubt in that they are right and everybody else is wrong... To call Eastern Europe as deep communists is a quite stupid generalization though...
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Sputnik got a lot of useful information as well, anyway I completely turned into Telegram channels - deleted Twitter eons ago - and way better information than any lgbt-controlled social media, mainly if you have Android and install it directly from the Telegram web site.
RT and Sputnik are under Russian control, so I would carefully check the motivation of anything they say
I always envied people who know everything, never had any doubt in that they are right and everybody else is wrong... To call Eastern Europe as deep communists is a quite stupid generalization though...
I doubt you have much knowledge about eastern countries and under who's control they are.......
You are surely one of the naives beliving in the history for the mob that a bunch of workers with a hidden communist agent as their leader abolished communism.
Same like the stupid germans who still belive till today that the eastern german citizen broke the commuinsm and that it wasn't an order from USSR to Honecker.

It's always frustrating to read peoples opinion who never even listened to the "ruling" cast.
Btw wouldn't hitler take power in 1930's you are aware who would take power in germany as second biggest party ?
You aware that even hitler described themself as very close to communism ?

Communism was "abolished" in poland because they received such an order from USSR thats why agent Bolek (Walesa) officaly abolished communism.Only problem these people control till today all major sectors in poland.
Same goes for east germany.Honecker received the order from Gorbatschow which he openly admitted in an interview.Of course people didn't saw it and trust our media blindly.

About news.
RT is a russian propaganda machine which favours russia and western media favours US/Nato and their agenda.
You have no free mass media.
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Does anyone have the latest count of how many times the EU is going to end, dying soon, or collapsing at any moment? Have we hit 100 failed predictions yet?

The convenient thing about being a doomsayer is that over a long enough time scale, you will be right. The EU will probably cease to exist at some point the next couple of centuries, and morph into something else or multiple things.
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Does anyone have the latest count of how many times the EU is going to end, dying soon, or collapsing at any moment? Have we hit 100 failed predictions yet?

The convenient thing about being a doomsayer is that over a long enough time scale, you will be right. The EU will probably cease to exist at some point the next couple of centuries, and morph into something else or multiple things.
You are quite right, I am the fool to continue in a useless debate ;)
RT and Sputnik are under Russian control, so I would carefully check the motivation of anything they say

Yes and BBC is funded by the British State. And CNN is controlled by big pharma who are its majority sponsors etc etc. All broadcast networks have an agenda and a subjective political view of the world etc. It's good to hear from both sides of the divide however and get the take from each one.
Does anyone have the latest count of how many times the EU is going to end, dying soon, or collapsing at any moment? Have we hit 100 failed predictions yet?

The convenient thing about being a doomsayer is that over a long enough time scale, you will be right. The EU will probably cease to exist at some point the next couple of centuries, and morph into something else or multiple things.
A doomsayer makes such stupid claims based on his opinion instead of rational facts.
Alternative media is by 99% BS based on controlled alternative media and alternative media who want high amount of views to make good money.
Anyone listening blindly to them will only f**k up his mind and high probably his savings.

A good example of controlled alternative media is Dirk Mueller.Mr Dax is officaly known as a critical thinker who predicted the downfall of the monetary system for a long time bla bla bla
Reality is everyone who invested in his fonds over the last 6 years lost money including inflation loss.
Its so obvious that Mueller is NOT making them any money but weakening critical thinker.The biggest s**t he did was telling his listerners to stay home because the virus is so deadly and its easy to get infected :)
I could tell you tons of names which are controlled opposition.Its part of the game and if majority of people take their information as good because they are mixing truth with propaganda than its their own fault.

Anyway signs are clear now .12 months to go max till it will be offical.
There are some other signs based on offical governmental requirements which have been changed for some people including dual citizenship owners.
A good example of controlled alternative media is Dirk Mueller.Mr Dax is officaly known as a critical thinker who predicted the downfall of the monetary system for a long time bla bla bla
Reality is everyone who invested in his fonds over the last 6 years lost money including inflation loss.
Its so obvious that Mueller is NOT making them any money but weakening critical thinker.The biggest s**t he did was telling his listerners to stay home because the virus is so deadly and its easy to get infected :)
I could tell you tons of names which are controlled opposition.Its part of the game and if majority of people take their information as good because they are mixing truth with propaganda than its their own fault.

He sounds like Peter Schiff....lol.

Anyway signs are clear now .12 months to go max till it will be offical.

What will be official. Poland leaving the EU?
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He sounds like Peter Schiff....lol.
They promoted him over the last decade as the critical opposition who knows the market as he was a broker on german dax.Thats why he got his nickname Mr.Dax .He makes some good research and good arguments but always publishing to late so you can't take any benefits from it.His fonds is the biggest joke making sure you can't make any money even on a 100% upmove

What will be official. Poland leaving the EU?
Some people from eastern europe who are living in germany and have a dual citizenship already got a letter to decide which citizenship they keep.
Till now dual citizenship was allowed if it was from another EU country
lol after all the EU money they took.
Their country was a shithole, they built all the infrastructure better than western eu and now complain.
I agree for sure with them vs EU, but LOL.

500iq chad move. take money then leave. no further explanation given.
Pure BS to me -maybe its next step in "polexit" but not in EU collapse.
EU collapse will be when finance will be problematic in EUROzone.
Nothing ignites problems like money.
For me scenario would look like that we print... we print... we print... (found stupid policies for that money)
at some point they will create inflation which will go into hyperinflation.
and then is point where EU can fall apart and divide into few pieces Germany and some German speaking countries block and PIGSs countries on other side of scope.
Fiscal hard landing will blow up EU not such event.
Fiscal problems will be result of stupid policies like fit 55/lgbtq/"green policies" once we accumulate to much to handle, it will blow up EU.
$1M question: and printing trillions in the “pandemic” is?
The diffrence between my point and yours is yours is out of your imagination where mine is from offical strategic plans of major countries like the US.
Which one you think will be more accurate ?

Your theory about german speaking block just shows you have no clue about the 3 sea initiative and which countries already participate in it over the last 2 years.
Secondly there will be no hyperinflation.Its stagflation.
Debt is not a problem at all if you understand the mechanism of the monetory system.
Its not the debt which will make europe poor but the destroyed industry ,structures and transportation.

Intentionaly caused fiscal problems are the excuse for hig taxing to suck out wealth from their citizens.
I'm sure based on your reply you didn't even read the agenda 2030 report which all european countries signed.
Did ya?
get out of EU. soon, westerners will flee to the east for a better life.
It’s amazing how gayrope made me benevolent towards the taliban…
been saying for 15 years that we’re not the good guys there. they tried pushing “democracy” and lgbtqiajdhwjiwnfnjaklpifje+ rights in a place that has no need or want for such things. we should’ve just left them alone. in march 2001 mulah omar banned poppy production and reduced worldwide opiates supply by 90%. in october 2001 we went there to reinstate “democracy”, hmmm
Meanwhile in Warsaw

i’m willing to bet it’s paid for by OSF
In Italy there are big protests against the marxist passport but you don’t see a single video, and if they report the news is just to label the protesters as fascists.
Times are so freakin’ dystopians that I need RT to get information about the west.

Yeah I tune into RT a bit as I like to follow current affairs. They cover a lot of the international stories other networks don't cover.
kind of ironic when russian propaganda networks are more truthful than western MSM, and fleeing to the middle east for freedom.
I guess most people around here are not from the EU because I see a lot of nonsense written here.
  • The EU will obviously not fall apart... duh... Whoever thinks the opposite has absolutely NO understanding of the EU and how it works.
  • It is extremely clear to all EU residents that the Brexit was an extremely stupid move for the UK, and day by day within the UK they start realizing the consequences of that bad decision based upon social media misinformation and silly underbelly believes on high political level..
  • No idea if Poland stays or leaves; it's in messy internal high hands now. Maybe they make the same mistake as the UK and if so for sure they will regret that later too.
EU is fine as it is.
Maybe not perfect yet but growing steady as a reliable solid stable democratic institute.
Really and truly.
In fact, you World: you watch and learn how true constructive democratic processes should operate...
The problem therefore is not the EU itself; the problem are the political individuals on the highest political levels in individual countries that operate selfish on an own agenda which is usually power related.
That's not an EU problem; that is a global problem.

And if you are unlucky, you currently might be living in a country where some people at the top of politics make a big selfish mess that puts back a country for many dark years to come.
That is the problem.

So Poland, it's up to you if you follow the UK path of self-destruction or not.
The rest of the EU simply doesn't care; honestly, we rather see the silly populist ones go than stay.
Personally, -in the way the Polish government behaves now- I rather see them go (I'm very sorry for the Polish people living in the bigger cities that are truly EU minded...)
My advise therefore to the EU: draw a very firm line in the sand and kick them out if they keep on misbehaving.

please tell me in 1 paragraph or less that you are one of the following:
- a disingenious paid shill
- know nothing of geopolitics
- you actually believe what they tell you and you fail to see what they do

thanks for coming to my TedTalk. i’m here all week
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$1M question: and printing trillions in the “pandemic” is?
IMO bailout of goverments using FIAT money stocked in bank accounts, in hidden way via inflation. Basically that is 1b Euro transfer from those who have money in bank accounts and bonds to friends and lobbyists who will take like 30% of them.

In long run that will cost EU further economic growth because state is not best in money distribution. Some times infrastructure investment will pay off but sometimes.
Maintaing unused roads / stadium also cost taxpayer money that could be used to build restaurants where are needed.
And here it comes

I don’t think polish will renounce to more than €30B, anyway this tool wold must be approved also from Slovakia and Cekia, Hungarians and other countries. From what I understand, this kind of menace must be approved from the 100% of the EU countries.
Yes and BBC is funded by the British State. And CNN is controlled by big pharma who are its majority sponsors etc etc. All broadcast networks have an agenda and a subjective political view of the world etc. It's good to hear from both sides of the divide however and get the take from each one.
The propaganda multiplier.


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