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Loading cash onto prepaid card?

For which country?

You would need to use a combination of cards to reach your £10k a month target amount. Maybe between 8-10 different cards :(.

Monese allows topping up with £500 a day or £1,300 a month in cash via Post Office or PayPoint. Then you got Paysafecard with £24,000 a year payout limit (you buy paysafe vouchers at shop and load onto account). Then you have a few independent card providers in UK like Pockit etc etc where you can load cash from PayPoint stores and post offices in UK.

So you can use multiple prepaid providers to load cash on the card and then add all cards to Curve and use your Curve card to pay expenses...lol.

Just use Starling bank, you can deposit cash via postoffice.

Whats the monthly cash limit on Starling and do you need to be a business?
See here
Starling Customer Service (IMO, limits are not so bad and you need not to be a business.)

Ok so you need to ask them what your personal limit is as they don't tell you :confused:.

"For Personal and Joint Current Accounts, there are individual limits on the amount of cash that can be deposited in each account. If you need to find out more about your specific annual limit, please contact us by chatting with us in the app."
Ok so you need to ask them what your personal limit is as they don't tell you :confused:.

"For Personal and Joint Current Accounts, there are individual limits on the amount of cash that can be deposited in each account. If you need to find out more about your specific annual limit, please contact us by chatting with us in the app."
Yes. Frankly, it is understandable for me; I presume (and I guess you too ;) ) that it will be dependent of a ton of factors beginning with the citizenship and ending with your track record / history...
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