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Euro Pacific bank is a scam

Please both @Radko and @orion7352 STOP right now and get back to topic.

Both of you got a warning point - next time I will BAN you temporary to get you cool down.

I don't want to waste my time on people here who just want their dick to be bigger than the others part.

Smile, make friends, move on guys....
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Also the name of this chat forum should be changed to “liquidating EPB and customers” or something like that. Would both be easier for customers to find this forum and at the same time it is unfair to Peter Schiff that it is currently named with something including “scam”. For the administrator to consider
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Also the name of this chat forum should be changed to “liquidating EPB and customers” or something like that. Would both be easier for customers to find this forum and at the same time it is unfair to Peter Schiff that it is currently named with something including “scam”. For the administrator to consider

There is freedom to start a new thread away from the original topic of this thread. So exercise that freedom and do so if you wish.
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Also the name of this chat forum should be changed to “liquidating EPB and customers” or something like that. Would both be easier for customers to find this forum and at the same time it is unfair to Peter Schiff that it is currently named with something including “scam”. For the administrator to consider
That is a good idea. The bank was never a scam. I don't know why anyone accused it of being one. Mark Anderson, who ran the bank, was a very honest man. His name was also unfairly smeared by the press. So too were the bank's staff. The government targeted my bank due to my political views, which the government did not like. Here is a link to the original court case from 2002 that exonerated Mark of SEC charges. The SEC appealed, and the appeals court reversed the trial court's ruling. Mark lacked the financial resources to appeal, and ended up going bankrupt. 60 Minutes and other newspaper completely misrepresented what happened. You can read the initial decision here. Initial Decision Release No. 203 re: Mark David Anderson
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To be honest: I found this forum easily on google after looking for „Euro Pacific Bank scam“ as I was scaried by that announcement of that liquidation. As long as nobody has been returned the funds, we should still be careful.
The result is the same.
And investors, who are widely known, should always do everything to avoid such seemingly scammy situations.
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@Pschiff I absolutely hate you and everything that surrounds you. Year to date I have lost 80k in the stupid euro Credit Interest-Capitalise Schedule bulls**t. With this you will understand the kind of money I have at your useless bank. I absolutly despise OCIF, and that absolute thief of a receiver. He has not answered, not 1 call or email out of at least 200 calls and 20 emails. As I see it I am loosing up to 15% of my money so far and I am absolutely sure I will not see a penny of it because you are all thieves. I completely understand everyones despair. But don’t keep trying to come here and clear your name. You have done absolutely nothing. You are responsable for all the pain you have caused and I hope you loose all your money like everyone else and with interest. For all those ******** customers, who keep on defending this thief, open your eyes for gods sake. He is here to protect his own interests and absolutely nothing else, not a god damn thing. Every time I listen to you here I get more angry. Right now I can only blame myself for being so absolutly stupid and ignorant to have deposited my funds in your bank, a bank which then moved to such a shady corrupt country as Puerto Rico. What kills me ecen more is how some of your ex employees even advised me to take my funds somewhere else, and I thought they were just angry ex employees. I hope this ordeal ends soon for everyone, I can’t sleep at night, with all the false hope you have given customers for a full 1 year, Mr Sciff and absolutely nothing, NO PROGRESS what so ever. My whole life savings gone down the drain, and you still have the cold blood to offer clients your services. I keep thinking I’ve seen it all before, but everyday you surprise me. You are responsible 100% for wanting to keep going and for wanting to protect your ego. You should not have continued with your banking services, but closed your bank and given the money bank to your clients so that it had not entered into receivership. I am so fed up with you. No progress whats so ever, just words and words and more words by you, OCIF and the thief of a receiver. @Pschiff just go away and rot somewhere, really don’t want to here you anymore. You are not helping anyone, you are just creating more frustration and folse hope.

I am interested in joining forces with customers to get our money back. Can we please work together to see what options there are on the table. My only conclusion after 1 year is neither P Schiff, OCIF or Receiver are going to get us out of this. I also want to thank all of the people here, customers and non customers for their support. If it wasn’t for this forum, I would have not known half of the things I know now. Thank you

That is a good idea. The bank was never a scam. I don't know why anyone accused it of being one. Mark Anderson, who ran the bank, was a very honest man. His name was also unfairly smeared by the press. So too were the bank's staff. The government targeted my bank due to my political views, which the government did not like. Here is a link to the original court case from 2002 that exonerated Mark of SEC charges. The SEC appealed, and the appeals court reversed the trial court's ruling. Mark lacked the financial resources to appeal, and ended up going bankrupt. 60 Minutes and other newspaper completely misrepresented what happened. You can read the initial decision here. Initial Decision Release No. 203 re: Mark David Anderson
Good idea??? Oh you would be happy wouldn’t you @Pschiff, so no one knows your bank was a scam. As I see it you were responsible for Mark Anderson terrible last days, for all of those early wonderful employees you had and had no other option but to leave the company, because of the things they were seeing and were obligated to do. They were the real profesional bankers. You should have closed the bank for gods sake when there was time to do it properly and not this crap situation we are in now.
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I agree with Feisty. You guys cannot trust the person who got you in this mess. His sole purpose of posting on here is to protect his brand and to convince you not to pursue legal action against him. Do not believe anything Peter Schiff says. He is now selling NFT's and attending Bitcoin conferences...and that is after spending a decade saying Bitcoin was going to $0. That tells you the character of Peter Schiff.
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@Pschiff I absolutely hate you and everything that surrounds you. Year to date I have lost 80k in the stupid euro Credit Interest-Capitalise Schedule bulls**t. With this you will understand the kind of money I have at your useless bank. I absolutly despise OCIF, and that absolute thief of a receiver. He has not answered, not 1 call or email out of at least 200 calls and 20 emails. As I see it I am loosing up to 15% of my money so far and I am absolutely sure I will not see a penny of it because you are all thieves. I completely understand everyones despair. But don’t keep trying to come here and clear your name. You have done absolutely nothing. You are responsable for all the pain you have caused and I hope you loose all your money like everyone else and with interest. For all those ******** customers, who keep on defending this thief, open your eyes for gods sake. He is here to protect his own interests and absolutely nothing else, not a god damn thing. Every time I listen to you here I get more angry. Right now I can only blame myself for being so absolutly stupid and ignorant to have deposited my funds in your bank, a bank which then moved to such a shady corrupt country as Puerto Rico. What kills me ecen more is how some of your ex employees even advised me to take my funds somewhere else, and I thought they were just angry ex employees. I hope this ordeal ends soon for everyone, I can’t sleep at night, with all the false hope you have given customers for a full 1 year, Mr Sciff and absolutely nothing, NO PROGRESS what so ever. My whole life savings gone down the drain, and you still have the cold blood to offer clients your services. I keep thinking I’ve seen it all before, but everyday you surprise me. You are responsible 100% for wanting to keep going and for wanting to protect your ego. You should not have continued with your banking services, but closed your bank and given the money bank to your clients so that it had not entered into receivership. I am so fed up with you. No progress whats so ever, just words and words and more words by you, OCIF and the thief of a receiver. @Pschiff just go away and rot somewhere, really don’t want to here you anymore. You are not helping anyone, you are just creating more frustration and folse hope.

I am interested in joining forces with customers to get our money back. Can we please work together to see what options there are on the table. My only conclusion after 1 year is neither P Schiff, OCIF or Receiver are going to get us out of this. I also want to thank all of the people here, customers and non customers for their support. If it wasn’t for this forum, I would have not known half of the things I know now. Thank you

Good idea??? Oh you would be happy wouldn’t you @Pschiff, so no one knows your bank was a scam. As I see it you were responsible for Mark Anderson terrible last days, for all of those early wonderful employees you had and had no other option but to leave the company, because of the things they were seeing and were obligated to do. They were the real profesional bankers. You should have closed the bank for gods sake when there was time to do it properly and not this crap situation we are in now.
Yes we need to find a lawyer who can protect our interests quickly. If anyone has found a Puerto Rican lawyer that is willing to help us then please post it here
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Did I miss something? There Was an official annoucement from the receiver, some dates were appointed and suddenly now people start the panic again. Did I missed some new info? Why are You panicking now when things seem to be moving forward slowly but still moving.
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Did I miss something? There Was an official annoucement from the receiver, some dates were appointed and suddenly now people start the panic again. Did I missed some new info? Why are You panicking now when things seem to be moving forward slowly but still moving.
Because of what @Pschiff said about what the Receiver is planning for opt-out customers. Sending the money to a Californian bank then that bank sending a USD cheque in the post to customers addresses . Firstly a Californian bank is a risky move then a USD cheque won't be accepted by a lot of banks especially in Europe.

That's the problem as I see it. Also Receiver is not allowing opt-out customers to opt-in now.
Some more paper work once again.

4.4. The customer is required to provide QENTA Payment CEE with all documents, data, files, information, documents and other material required to fulfil the contractual obligation of QENTA Payment CEE promptly, in full and without error and in a standard format for the relevant purpose.

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