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Recent content by alphadesertfox

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    Hey, any way I can contact you to inquire about your services?

    Hey, any way I can contact you to inquire about your services?
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    Dubai bank account for crypto business

    Have a look into RAK bank too. I know that's who BitOasis use as their legacy banking partner (unless it's changed in the past few years). I would definitely recommend having multiple business and personal bank accounts in Dubai though. And make sure you get one that will do cross-border AED to...
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    UAE Visa, bank & ID but Living in UK. Will UAE CRS me?

    What I find confusing is if I'm receiving this money from a friend from his personal account to my personal account, how do they determine that to be income from work? We could be betting one another at golf each month for all they know or maybe my friend just likes to give me money : )
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    Reputable OTC Bitcoin broker in Dubai

    I don't think you'll find many online with websites. Localbitcoins is your best fort port of call and then once you've established face-to-face relations with those OTC traders you'll organically meet more people through their network.
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    Question Spaniard - Crypto - Exit strategy - 7 figures (Part 2)

    @FreeBit I've just joined this forum and found this thread interesting. I'm from Dubai and my 2 cents on this would be to find a Private Bank in the UAE that will accept cash. You can then do an OTC trade, Bitcoin for USD or AED cash. You can hire a conference room in the Burj Khalifa where...
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    UAE Visa, bank & ID but Living in UK. Will UAE CRS me?

    I have a UAE visa, bank, phone number and Emirates ID, and have recently returned to the UK to live. I have setup a UK LTD and will get most of my income this way getting paid from my clients. I still do a few odd jobs for people in Dubai and will make about £2-4k a month but it's not always...