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Recent content by anon99999999

  1. anon99999999

    Hi! I have exactly the same issue with a check as you. Did you manage to handle it?

    Hi! I have exactly the same issue with a check as you. Did you manage to handle it?
  2. anon99999999

    USA LLC Company in New Mexico

    Thanks! If I've just formed it (still waiting for the EIN), when will I have to send these forms (I found that I also have to fill up Form 1120)? Do you think I can do it myself or I should get an accountant?
  3. anon99999999

    USA LLC Company in New Mexico

    I think Mercure and EIN is enough
  4. anon99999999

    USA LLC Company in New Mexico

    Hi! I've just created my first ever company - LLC in New Mexico, USA. I will not have US customers so I will fall under 0 tax. All I do is getting money from Stripe. I wanted to ask what should I remember about except paying 75$ annually for a registered agent. Thanks