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Recent content by bogart

  1. bogart

    Setbacks Associated to People who Register Offshore Companies

    When something has a good protection, it can always also be misused, the purpose to go for an offshore ibc is to protect your privacy and lower or even avoid taxes, that said, it can of course also be used for illegal stuff, but one should rather watch his back if doing so, In my best opinion I...
  2. bogart

    PayPal SCAM mail again, watch out for this e-mail, you PayPal account will be fraudet

    Yeah I know, but if no one will warn people, many will open the file attached, complete it and send it to the fake e-mail address, not all are as clever as you are! ;)
  3. bogart

    PayPal SCAM mail again, watch out for this e-mail, you PayPal account will be fraudet

    Warning PayPal Scam e-mail! - I just received this e-mail from "PayPal" The sender address is: [email protected] This is obviously not from PayPal, they will try to get access to your PayPal account this way!!! Attached to the e-mail is a website, Verify_Form.html – DO NOT OPEN IT and DO NOT...
  4. bogart

    Which hosting company to use?

    Oh I forgot, does anyone try to contact rackspace for their insane fees? No one with a good business and who didn’t got out of their mind, and has just a little knowledge about the possibilities available will ever choice this company for hosting, I don't care how big they are, you can get the...
  5. bogart

    Which hosting company to use?

    hostgator sucks crockballs, it is not worth a single cent, go for some of the other mentioned hosting companies if you want to keep your website online!
  6. bogart

    Aged Cyprus Company 1982

    I checked one of your many blogs (you are very active guys) and saw the fee was in the range of 20.000EUR that's pretty much, would have had my interest if it was still available, anyway I shoot you a ticket.
  7. bogart

    Offshore IBC - Belize Offshore IBC or Seychelles Offshore IBC, which is best?

    With the fees for the formation of a Offshore IBC in the Seychelles or Belize I would register both to see what differences it does.
  8. bogart

    What is a Private Interest Foundation?

    When you say it will be easier with a “generation shift” does that mean you will already now have to insert your children’s in the letter of whishes? Is it possible to buy shares in any company regardless of it’s location? Can it be used for investments too? Sorry but this looks too good to...
  9. bogart

    Latest Forum Update to VBulletin 4.01

    I’m impressed from what I see all the changes have only been for the best, this forum is looking awesome, have been several months ago since I visited it because I didn’t liked the look and feel, will come more around here thats sure.
  10. bogart

    Ever wondered how the people from Liberty Reserve looks like ?

    Thanks for sharing, now we have a face of those scammers, they are also starting to close accounts and "freeze" the money, they put it in their own pockets so thus clowns can make big parties.
  11. bogart

    Liberty reserve NEws update :BEWARE

    Thank you for sharing, I stay away from this system it looks like a BIG scam and they also provide payment service for Child porn and all other iligal stuff it is a big no go for every business which don't want troubles.
  12. bogart

    Hassle free corporate, offshore bank account ?

    You can just go for a Cyprus bank account, it is very easy and you do not have all this troubles with the paperwork. I got mine opened fast (means 2 weeks - lol) and everything is as expected.
  13. bogart

    Merchant Services Forum upgraded and skinned

    Yup nice move, I like the new face of the merchant services forum, thanks for the improvement.
  14. bogart

    Cyprus Company and Worldwide income taxation

    That means that if you just make business outsite of Cyprus you will be subject to 0% Tax right.... thats great news. Thanks for sharing.
  15. bogart

    Paypal Address Change & Reverification ?

    Yeah it is very easy, submit your stuff through the CP to paypal and within a few weeks they will have verified everything and let you know.