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Recent content by knuk

  1. K

    The Pfizer vaccine ?

    That's basic biology, it doesn't require shady conspiracies to make sense of it. Everyone is different. Your diet is different, your lifestyle is different, your exposure to chemicals in the environment you live in will be different and your genetics will be different. The basic template of how...
  2. K

    New Spanish anti-fraud law

    I don't get that part. Lets go back to the hypothetical scenario where someone acquired cryptocurrencies before becoming a resident of Spain. After acquiring residency in Spain, he never sells his cryptocurrencies stored in his own private wallet where he controls the private keys. You mentioned...
  3. K

    New Spanish anti-fraud law

    btw, isn't this kind of a catch22? If my total net worth is in the crypto and it exceeds 2M, but if I never touch it I am not obligated to declare it, isn't it?
  4. K

    The Pfizer vaccine ?

    Well, I will not waste my time to someone who uses red herrings and strawman arguments as their main rhetoric device. Btw, I already wrote plenty in this forum about this topic, so I would be just repeating myself.
  5. K

    WebApp / IT Services Company (can relocate to anywhere)

    Join the streamline filing before it is over... They already got rid of OVDP, so the clock may be ticking to get into compliance. Especially in this pandemic crisis, everything seems to be tending to eliminate tax reliefs and tighten their rules ever more.
  6. K

    WebApp / IT Services Company (can relocate to anywhere)

    dude, you are already a US person, and as a long term resident (more than 8 years) you are already subject to the exit tax if you abandon the green card. Dude you are fucked if you haven't declared your worldwide income already. Also, you seem to be conflating two issues here as well. Just...
  7. K

    The Pfizer vaccine ?

    OP didn't talk about comorbidities or actual research, he is spewing tinfoil conspiration theories that are irrelevant to any sane discourse. But I guess you also failed at reading comprehension and you are trapped in apophenia. And neither of you seem to have passed a single course of bio 101...
  8. K

    New Spanish anti-fraud law

    Regarding to point 3, Lets say that I collateralize some ETH on Compound (DeFi) and get some DAI. Then sell those DAI for EUR (or to USD first and then USD to EUR, if that pleases more the taxman). I guess that technically I would need to only need to declare the total amount of DAI that I...
  9. K

    The Pfizer vaccine ?

    Well, don't take it then. Roll the dice. But let me tell you one thing, those who can't understand basic concepts such as probabilities, statistics and basic logic will lose their shirt in a casino. Ignorance is bliss while everything seems to be fine. It is becomes lethal when it is not. In...
  10. K

    New Spanish anti-fraud law

    Yeah, the global trend on crypto taxation isn't very encouraging. And if this is okay for now, probably this avoidance loophole might close eventually. But so far this is my takeaway from this discussion: If the cryptos were acquired before getting the Spanish residency, the Spanish government...
  11. K

    New Spanish anti-fraud law

    Yeah, but as you also mentioned, if the cryptos are only being held and not sold, there are no need for declaring its existence in the first place.
  12. K

    New Spanish anti-fraud law

    But in principle, I would guess that the rich people in Spain are also using SBLOCs as well to avoid the taxable event of their capital gains. If that is true, it should be the same for lines of credits with crypto as collateral.
  13. K

    This hedge fund structure should work - or not?

    Hi @Martin Everson can I contact you via PM?
  14. K

    New Spanish anti-fraud law

    So @legran technically for someone who is planning to get the Spanish residency and eventual citizenship. If my existing crypto stash would be acquired before getting the Spanish residency, and held personally in private wallets, there would be zero obligation in declaring that such crypto even...
  15. K

    New Spanish anti-fraud law

    So as long as you possess the private keys and don't use third parties for custodial services, you are in the clear. DeFi for the win, then. And P2P transactions. Purchasing loads of crypto with cash and getting crypto transferred straight to your wallet would trigger zero obligations.