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Recent content by Maestro

  1. M

    Proof of Funds for Bank Deposit from Crypto

    What you are saying is something I am considering. Though, there are some issues to think about. First, the main reason of cashing out is to buy a real estate in Istanbul, my home town while the prices are good now. With your offer, how can we handle that issue.? Secondly, (as far as I know...
  2. M

    Proof of Funds for Bank Deposit from Crypto

    No crypto atms in Turkey, at least I havent seen or heard of any. There is one or two banks but they require round trip. I mean first you have to send money through them to an approved crypto exchange and then only from that exchange you can withdraw cash to ur bank account and only compliable...
  3. M

    Proof of Funds for Bank Deposit from Crypto

    OTC is the way that I changed my cash to crypto. But to do it in reverse is not the way to go because I dont want cash in hand, I want that in my bank account to be able to buy real estate.
  4. M

    Proof of Funds for Bank Deposit from Crypto

    Hi there All; I got paid for my services with cash-in-hand or crypto due to very high tax rates (35% for personel and 30% for corporate) in Turkey. With that cash, I always bought crypto as OTC transactions. Now, I have made good profits with crypto and I want to cash them out in the bank and...
  5. M

    Question Turkish company formation

    Hi there, If you can travel to Turkey, then it will be very easy and cheap to incorporate a company. In Turkey, companies are formed by accountants. You just meet with one, sign an agreement and give him a power of attorney only for companyt formation. Then you tell him your intended line of...