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Recent content by Mattias85

  1. M

    Online banking, dating website

    Ok awsome. Yes thats correct! :) Yeah with them i had some problems since i wasnt really doing everything by the book so i messed up basicly with my private account there and that went out on the company account (The company account is not in my name, but since the private account was closed...
  2. M

    Online banking, dating website

    Thanks for the reply. Sorry yeah im not really up top speed whats needed, and quite new with all this about companies overall and trying to learn. - Yes its run by a company and its from Cyprus. - The citizenship is from Sweden, but lives in Thailand of the UBO. - Using only Euro even thought...
  3. M

    Online banking, dating website

    Hello all. Im new to this forum, got recomended to go here from a friend glad to be here. So i have abit of a problem, im looking for a good online bank that accept Online dating not adult just normal dating websites and reveice money from there and then send for my freelancers that works for...