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Recent content by platothefish

  1. platothefish

    Which company can help me with setup Nevis Company with Bank account

    See this... https://data.consilium.europa.eu/doc/document/ST-7522-2019-INIT/en/pdf You are correct in the first instance that there is a 33% corporation tax but then there is an exemption for companies that do not carry on trade within St Kitts or Nevis. The briefing from the EC will help.
  2. platothefish

    UK LP with Nevis as limited partner - what do you think?

    So why wait from March to now to reply to him? I think it was a fair assumption as I was the last person to contribute on here. Are you going to be helpful or just make rude comments?
  3. platothefish

    UK LP with Nevis as limited partner - what do you think?

    Actually, this isn't for that purpose. In my case all of the income would be declared through the UK tax HMRC as offshore income. There is no tax avoidance. The main purpose here is to prevent or at least discourage spurious litigation. I have had a series of issues all of which I have won, but...
  4. platothefish

    UK LP with Nevis as limited partner - what do you think?

    Also found this that might be of use... Using a UK Company as an Agent | Offshore Formations 24.7
  5. platothefish

    UK LP with Nevis as limited partner - what do you think?

    Hi, I have just joined and this is the sort of idea I am looking at. Can I ask what you ended up doing in the end? regrads P
  6. platothefish

    Nevis LLC with Bank account for U.K. citizen

    Hi Richard, Did you get any answers to this? I am in a very similar position P