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Recent content by TravelJack

  1. TravelJack

    Stuck in stupid situation - need bank account

    Maybe it is the word "income" you used in your first post that make confusion. I don't know. What I know as a fact though is if I am a non-resident in my home country (= am living outside) and invoicing a client there I do not pay taxes in my home country. I have already cleared that with the...
  2. TravelJack

    Stuck in stupid situation - need bank account

    But that is the point! My income is sourced in my home country as well as in other countries. So the bank account has to do with where I am paying taxes. I am fully aware of the tax rulles in my home country and I cannot use a local bank. Either there or here. And I am fully aware of the rules...
  3. TravelJack

    Stuck in stupid situation - need bank account

    But that is the point! My income is sourced in my home country as well as from other countries. So the bank account has to do with where I am paying taxes. I am fully aware of the tax rulles in my home country and I cannot use a local bank. Either there or here. And I am fully aware of
  4. TravelJack

    Stuck in stupid situation - need bank account

    Thank you. I already know this and as I wrote, I am a non-resident in my home country and as you state am not paying tax there even from income sourced there, unless the income is recieved to my bank there. Again, as I am not allowed to work and cannot set up a company where I live now I cannot...
  5. TravelJack

    Stuck in stupid situation - need bank account

    Thanks NickNack. Then I will have to pay tax in the US or? If not, that might be a solution. I am in a situation where I don't have to pay tax in my home country because I don't live there and don't have a business registered there. Where I am living (in East Africa) I cannot work "officially"...
  6. TravelJack

    Stuck in stupid situation - need bank account

    Thanks for the reply. At this stage I was looking more for personal account but I see I wasn't clear about this.
  7. TravelJack

    Stuck in stupid situation - need bank account

    Am new to the forum and thanks for letting me in. Sorry for my English which isn't my mother tounge. Feel free to ask if what I write sounds like nonsense to you. I have a question about getting a bank account where I can recieve and send money (basically do online banking) and have a...