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Recent content by uranio

  1. U

    new CTA requirements for LLCs - info

    Thank you! so if my business doesn't do business in USA I don't need to report? How can I know if my company was registered to do business in USA? I have a single-member LLC
  2. U

    new CTA requirements for LLCs - info

    Hi guys, as you know from 1st of January, all LLCs are required to fill the new CTA report. Someone knows if a company doesn't make business in US and is registered with oversea address and european citizen if still needs to do the report? This accountant says that offshore companies are...
  3. U

    Best 1st world countries with low to zero income tax?

    So, let's suppose I get my LLC in Delaware dividends paid to my Hong kong personal bank account I have Malta residency, and stay in Malta only 3-4 months p/year. Rest of year around the world. This is a 0% scheme on Malta, no?
  4. U

    Best 1st world countries with low to zero income tax?

    ok, so if he doesn't generate money inside Malta, can generate outside Malta, get residency in Malta and pay 0% right? (up to 35k, after 5k flat fee)
  5. U

    Malta no dom - how it works?

    Malta doesn't require officially you stay 183 days, there is no minimum stay on malta requirements.
  6. U

    Best 1st world countries with low to zero income tax?

    Malta is 0% income if you don't bring your money inside the country no? So if you keep money on bank accounts in other countries is 0%, why should he pay 35%?
  7. U

    Malta no dom - how it works?

    Thank you for the information, everything is more clear now. About going worlwide, just to clarify. I take the e-residency on Malta by filling the forms and declaring I live in Malta. Could after be tax resident on malta, just stay 2-3 months on Malta, and rest of the year around other countries...
  8. U

    Malta no dom - how it works?

    Do you have a official website of Malta to get the forms to ask this status? Can I use an Airbnb or renting is mondatory?
  9. U

    Malta no dom - how it works?

    Thank you for the clarification. So, if I receive money to my LLC company, take money out to bank account in some country, move to Malta, rent a house (o can I just stay in hotel-airbnb few months?), I need to pay to Malta only 5000 (for over 35000 revenue outside) and nothing else right? I can...
  10. U

    Malta no dom - how it works?

    thank you for your answer. So why many people do Malta company + holding company to pay 5% and not just use the no-dom status to get 0% (plus fees)
  11. U

    Malta no dom - how it works?

    Hello, I'm trying to figure out how to get the no dom status on malta but I can't find full information aroud. I'm European citizen. Do i need open a Malta company to get the status? I receive payments from USA and Europe. I can deposit the pyments to bank accounts outisde Malta. I receive...
  12. U

    Personal HK bank account

    no minimum deposit. I'll answer about debit card question once I receive it, as it is shipped in another country where I'm not right now, so still I need to get it.
  13. U

    Personal HK bank account

    I opened HSBC hongkong remotely in 20 minutes, got approved in couple of days. they shipped bank card to the country I indicated.
  14. U

    Transfer from one US LLC to another

    which broker do you use? Interactive?