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Recent content by xdbTrader

  1. X

    SEPA INSTAN Account for crypto trading

    Really ? Can we get on a call? I reached out to Julija Macxxxne and few other people they didnt get quite what i wanted to do and we paid them fees for nothing. Verfio took application fees and never got back to us. happy to share more Dont want to mention the names publicly here from Bankera.
  2. X

    SEPA INSTAN Account for crypto trading

    Ill write Mister Tango, I have AdvCash but not sure about the limits 200K per day
  3. X

    SEPA INSTAN Account for crypto trading

    Hey all, Quick overview on how i plan to trade: I arbitrage trade some crypto assets like eth and btc as peer-to-peer trader. – buy crypto for EUR from T1 Exchanges and OTC and sell crypto for EUR with a margin in peer to peer marketplace to kyced users. I need either a personal SEPA...