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CCBill license in EU


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May 9, 2020
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I am interested in the creation of a PSP, however in Europe it is complicated with the regulations (Have an EMI license with minimum capital, staff required for compliance ...)

However, I looked on the CCBill site, and I can't find a license number in Europe and they have their mother company in the USA.

I contacted them on the live chat, and they could not answer me.

I don't really understand, can a company in the USA initiate payments for European customers without license?

Thanks for your help,
CCBill are a combination of ISO (Independent Sales Organisation) and PF (Payment Facilitator), which is a type of reselling which can be done without having a PI or EMI license in Europe. Read up on those two terms.

Speak with acquirers instead. You're basically asking CCBill how to become a competitor, so of course they aren't going to answer you.
Hi Sols,

Thanks for reply, i will check this two terms.
I don't ask them how to become a competitor, I ask them (how their merchants should do), if they have the permissions to handle money or her merchants...