And managing such a big real estate portfolio has less work than looking at BTC and Gold charts?

You wantbto basiclly go to sleep after putting in the money wothout much legwork that is called passive income.
Gold is suggested because of money printing it will go up in the long run on a 400 year old gold chart we see it keeps pace with inflation,we dont need to correlate it with the s and p500 because half portfolio in Gold is suggested so that it tones down the volatility in BTC- you really are not going to look at your gold portfolio till world war 4 ( world war -3 was covid,it created the shortest and fastest bear market seen)during those uncertain times Gold will always outperform gigantically .And half the portfolio in BTC is suggested as long as the uptrend remains in place which is the case currently,you will always find a better opportunity if you sit on
cash after the uptrend is over in BTC.Because cash will help you to take that next speculation when the bet is required to be placed.If you dont have cash with you, you cant use your opportunities when it comes along.I am not telling you to jump in and out of BTC everyday but use the longer term trends which is why i said you look at BTC every once in a while till the current uptrend is over.
The portfolio created by mixing the two will beat the s and p 500 pants down.
The labor cost in a real estate deal will be significantly more than when you keep two analysts for scouring the financial markets ( Take the best 8 markets and scour them for an uptrend ,any one of them will be trending and you can take a punt,you dont take your positions all of it at once you scale in as it keeps showing profits,you press your winners by doubling up when its profitable.A real movement takes a long time to complete maybe 2-3 years in stocks,6 months to a year in BTC,10 years in commodities etc).
If you are playing the real estate market are you thinking that the real estate market is not going to have its own cycles of uptrend,downtrend etc.Who gave you that idea.However in a real estate deal there is no scaling in as the trade keeps being more profitable like in the case of financial instruments. you need to put all your money in at once in real estate and need to take a much bigger risk.