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How to avoid & reduce crypto taxes using offshore company

This is a very interesting point. You can trade then cryptocurrencies at 0% taxes. USDT particularly and other stablecoins are widely used apart of crypto/crypto pairs. Can you tell us @cryptovkng which reputable law firm confirmed you this point? Maybe interested in getting in touch with them as well. Thanks.

Sorry for the late reply, I have not been logged in for a while.

The law firm I have been in contact with is Innovires (Home). When I say "reputable" it's only based on my own experience and what I've heard from a few other people.
Sorry for the late reply, I have not been logged in for a while.

The law firm I have been in contact with is Innovires (Home). When I say "reputable" it's only based on my own experience and what I've heard from a few other people.
Did you use them or still considering alternatives?
Did you use them or still considering alternatives?

I have not yet made any changes to my business and personal tax situation, and also not looked much more into this. After researching basically every possible solution, I concluded that Bulgaria was in fact one of the better (and easiest) options for me. If the world goes back to normal sometime this summer I will most likely incorporate my company there unless I come across an even better setup/country.

Are you also looking at Bulgaria for tax residence? Is it because of crypto or your business?