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To Mentor Group Gold members - clarifying the Administrator's Role on OCT.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2008
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Dear Mentor Group Gold members, there is a general misunderstanding about what I, as the Administrator of OffshoreCorpTalk.com, can get involved in. There have been a few members who, over time, have contacted me directly with their questions! Questions that are really good and useful, but should be posted in the respective forums or if one wants to keep it away from the open forums, then in forums designated for that, see the link below.

It is not out of unwillingness that I do not want to answer them by PM, but there is a general obligation for me as a forum administrator NOT to get involved in questions that do not concern either technical issues or forum-specific questions.

It has to do with the responsibility associated with responding to your PM, which can be considered as direct advice within a field that we are not permitted to advise on.

Therefore, I ask for your understanding and hope that despite this, you can still gain a lot of benefit from your membership as a Mentor Group Gold member. We will always try to help where we can.