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Leaving Canada While Unvaccinated


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May 29, 2020
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I am planning a definitive leave from Canada due to its near-dystopian culture of propaganda, censorship and second class citizen division in the name of "science". Until recently the unvaccinated couldn't do anything, let alone go buy clothes at H&M while omicron was brought into the country by fully vaccinated travellers lol.

The problem is i have to make a few round trips between the foreign country and Canada to settle affairs in the country i aim to establish myself in.

Any unvaccinated canadians with experience in travelling (Legally preferably) here ? What did you do to leave the country ? I know there are several ways, from getting religious exemptions with mexican airlines (Flying to mexico then off to where ever you plan to go) to chartering a jet out of here since they are exempt from vaccine mandates. Your help would be appreciated.

If it helps, I possess dual citizenship with another country, can i use the foreign passport to leave the country via a one way ticket and fly back in Canada using my canadian passport if needed ? As far as i recall, foreigners with foreign passports are free to leave the country until august.

Your feedback is appreciated,

Buy a vaccine certificate, problem solved. PM if you are interested.
That's good if you plan on leaving and never coming back no ? I have to come back to the country one more time to finalize the sale of certain assets, you'd have to upload it on ArriveCan and they'd catch on quickly. Let me know what you think. Doing it the legal way is preferred if possible.
That's good if you plan on leaving and never coming back no ? I have to come back to the country one more time to finalize the sale of certain assets, you'd have to upload it on ArriveCan and they'd catch on quickly. Let me know what you think. Doing it the legal way is preferred if possible.
It’s a 100% real certificate registered in the country of issuance. Zero risk with using it.
dont buy it......
you would regret it till end of your life.

About traveling everything depends on the destination you want to travel.
No need for vaccine in an airport company doesn't mean you don't need one at your target country.
And you are also right about some private airports not checking when using a chartered airplane.

in switzerland you don't need for example a certificate IF
1.you drive only transit (which nobody controls)
2.you have a test dispense on the Vi test
3.you have a certificate that you are recovered

If you fly many countries demand PCR on arrival which i personly would not touch as they contain high grade cancer causing material
dont buy it......
you would regret it till end of your life.
I am talking of buying the certificate, not the actual jab smi(&%

in switzerland you don't need for example a certificate IF
Been there recently, it seems that Covid doesn’t exist any more, save for some places where they forgot to remove the signs.
In Italy they still ask for the certificate at the airport on arrival from abroad
I am talking of buying the certificate, not the actual jab smi(&%
me too......
i know the countries from which these certificates are coming and they all use mRNA as described injected vaccine.

me too......
i know the countries from which these certificates are coming and they all use mRNA as described injected vaccine.
You can’t know: I am not talking of fake certificates. There are doctors everywhere in the world that are willing to help people (while earning some extra money). They will pretend to have injected the vaccine while in reality it goes down the toilet. Who cares which vaccine they “injected”, all you want is a valid certificate.
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Why would it matter? He's getting the paper only, not the actual vaccine.
You ever heard about uniform commercial law UCC and a supreme court ruling from 2013 ?
Maybe read the reuters article first before asking questions.
Now tell me do you sign a paper when getting the certificate ? (here maybe someone else is going to sign however by using it you give consent that the certificate is valid)
Which means in the DB you will be described as a organism with a mRNA vaccine and listed as transhuman.
Now go check out what patented DNA means and what is means under UCC.

You will have an owner and legaly not be a human anymore but an just an organism by law.
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You ever heard about uniform commercial law UCC and a supreme court ruling from 2013 ?
Maybe read the reuters article first before asking questions.
Now tell me do you sign a paper when getting the certificate ? (here maybe someone else is going to sign however by using it you give consent that the certificate is valid)
Which means in the DB you will be described as a organism with a mRNA vaccine and listed as transhuman.
Now go check out what patented DNA means and what is means under UCC.

You will have an owner and legaly not be a human anymore but an just an organism by law.
Relax smi(&% You don’t have to sign anything
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I am planning a definitive leave from Canada due to its near-dystopian culture of propaganda, censorship and second class citizen division in the name of "science". Until recently the unvaccinated couldn't do anything, let alone go buy clothes at H&M while omicron was brought into the country by fully vaccinated travellers lol.

The problem is i have to make a few round trips between the foreign country and Canada to settle affairs in the country i aim to establish myself in.

Any unvaccinated canadians with experience in travelling (Legally preferably) here ? What did you do to leave the country ? I know there are several ways, from getting religious exemptions with mexican airlines (Flying to mexico then off to where ever you plan to go) to chartering a jet out of here since they are exempt from vaccine mandates. Your help would be appreciated.

If it helps, I possess dual citizenship with another country, can i use the foreign passport to leave the country via a one way ticket and fly back in Canada using my canadian passport if needed ? As far as i recall, foreigners with foreign passports are free to leave the country until august.

Your feedback is appreciated,

I support you in your decision. Last year I moved to Georgia because of coronavirus. It's a nice and really cheap country, Even if you want to buy an apartment, it's still cheap especially if Compared with real estate prices in Canada Apartments for sale in Batumi. Real estate in Batumi, prices
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Batumi seems like a great place, haven't made it there myself but it's on my top ten list. Good real estatae prices too. I think Albania is another great budget spot, arguably a better location too.

In other news, Canada extends Wuhan virus travel mandates. Lol. What a joke country with a joke government. The people living there are docile and brainwashed. Keep taking the hand outs everyone, Mother knows best. The gubbermint only wants what's best for you.
I am planning a definitive leave from Canada due to its near-dystopian culture of propaganda, censorship and second class citizen division in the name of "science". Until recently the unvaccinated couldn't do anything, let alone go buy clothes at H&M while omicron was brought into the country by fully vaccinated travellers lol.

The problem is i have to make a few round trips between the foreign country and Canada to settle affairs in the country i aim to establish myself in.

Any unvaccinated canadians with experience in travelling (Legally preferably) here ? What did you do to leave the country ? I know there are several ways, from getting religious exemptions with mexican airlines (Flying to mexico then off to where ever you plan to go) to chartering a jet out of here since they are exempt from vaccine mandates. Your help would be appreciated.

If it helps, I possess dual citizenship with another country, can i use the foreign passport to leave the country via a one way ticket and fly back in Canada using my canadian passport if needed ? As far as i recall, foreigners with foreign passports are free to leave the country until august.

Your feedback is appreciated,

And it's gone:

BTW, Kudos to those who held their ground! You're a HERO in my book!

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