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Semi-anonymous holding company or setup


Active Member
Apr 29, 2020
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Currently researching offshore holding companies, and will continue this in the members area soon I think...

What I might need is NOT anything close to tax evasion, illegal funds or protection from anything serious - what I want to get is a "works in 90-95% of cases" holding company or setup.

Would there be any relatively easy and not too expensive solutions for this?

It will mainly be used to holding domains and shares, but of course a bank account from an EMI could be a plus.

The more expensive solutions that get good recommendations here are tempting, but if there is something that would work for me this way for 1-2-3 years thats all I need right now :)
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...of course, if this should NOT be outside of the mentor group then I'm sorry & mods can delete!

Posting this as I've seen some similar threads in the open parts, and if possible all I want are general pointers & opinions - then the details will be ironed out during my next period in the mentor group
...of course, if this should NOT be outside of the mentor group then I'm sorry & mods can delete!

Posting this as I've seen some similar threads in the open parts, and if possible all I want are general pointers & opinions - then the details will be ironed out during my next period in the mentor group
did you find a solution yet?

I saw a complete solution to such an setup in mentor group and wonder if it is what you was going with?

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