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  • @jafo nicely explains the three essential secrets to successful business:
    1 - Sell first; then buy.
    2 - Pay vendors quickly.
    3 - Own nothing that can be taxed, confiscated or even seen by governments or other bandits.

    As another grumpy old man (retired sales manager, who also lives in hotels) I appreciate @jafo's comments. Just wish I'd known about them 50 years ago!
    Hi Jafo, I've read your guidance and I see that you've announced that you're now retired. Would you like someone to take over your business structure in exchange for a share of the profits?
    I would, but my buyers/clients will NOT agree to it. I tried several times in the past. It actually ruins my relationship with them. I had to get back OUT of retirement because of this. It's an exercise in futility. I have a different philosophy, old school, and "new entrepreneurs" will NOT agree to it or abide by it :rolleyes:
    Just here to learn and improve my financial affairs in a way that I am invisible to all predators. I have nothing to sell to anyone. I'm here to streamline the best setup so I can enjoy life without any stress or adversity.

    My business in a nutshell:
    Here is the general concept of the business without revealing proprietary secrets_1.jpg

    Here is the general concept of the business without revealing proprietary secrets_2.jpg

    Venn Diagram JAFO_1.jpg
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