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  1. T

    Business opportunity

    Hello! I am looking for a developer/business partner that has experience and knowledge in SMM (selling views, likes and followers for yt, ig, tik tok…) I have a large platform where I could sell it on. This opportunity is lucrative if done right. Feel free to send me a message or leave a comment!
  2. FreedomSearcher

    Lower Cyprus Tax for Youtube Business due to IP?

    I was wondering if it would be possible to claim the lower tax rate Cyprus gives to IP companies, considering we basically “license” our content to YouTube and receive royalties for it.
  3. AMD

    WTF ID verification & KYC for Youtube channel!!

    I just wanted to create a Youtube channel for some home project, after account creating and setting up the channel I was faced with KYC by YouTube :D They want Video verification, ID and more - WTF is going on here???
  4. FreedomSearcher

    Profit Shifting YouTube profits from Belgium to Dubai/UK

    I am interested in setting up a UK - UAE set up to not get taxed on my YouTube income (now @ $75,000 a month). At the moment I still have a Belgian BV, which has very high tax. Would it be possible to setup the Dubai company and shift profits from Belgium to that Dubai company legally? Thanks...
  5. FreedomSearcher

    Question Best setup for YouTube channel management company?

    Hi, I'm currently living in Belgium and I run multiple Youtube channels in the Tech and science niche. Monthly I'm making 10K-30K€ in profits. (highly dependant on the algorithm and the CPM) Taxes in Belgium are pretty high and I'm not planning on staying here anyway. I'm looking for a company...