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2 checkout wants

2checkout is a US based business, so in order to follow join their business based on what you have stated above, you need to phone IRS.gov US to create a EIN/TIN as a sole proprietor.

Yes they will also ship it to your UK address. I recommend opening your Skype account load that account $10, and call them.

I know IRS have changed their policy, so you might have to sign a document and fax it to them. In that case I recommend signing up with a virtual fax machine service you can find online, they will give you a personalised number to send and receive.

To speed up the process you will get it a lot faster if you give them a returning fax number, but this could take from 3weeks to 4weeks depending on their backlog.

If this is too much work, there are services that charge$75-$150 to get that for you less than a couple days. Just google baby.

You have many options.
2checkout is a US based business, so in order to follow join their business based on what you have stated above, you need to phone IRS.gov US to create a EIN/TIN as a sole proprietor.
NO NO NO - try to click on SIGNUP and you will find a list of countries supported there!