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Friedrich Merz (CDU/CSU):
Frau Präsidentin! Meine sehr geehrten Damen und Herren! Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Dieser 24. Februar 2022 wird uns allen als ein Tag im Gedächtnis bleiben, von dem wir später einmal sagen werden: Ich weiß noch genau, wo ich war, als ich die erste Nachricht vom Krieg in der Ukraine gehört und die ersten Bilder davon gesehen habe. – Unsere ersten Gedanken in diesen Minuten galten und sie gelten unverändert bis heute dem ganzen Volk der Ukrainer.
Google Translate:
Friedrich Merz (CDU/CSU): Madam President! Ladies and gentlemen Men's! Dear Colleagues! This February 24, 2022 will be remembered as a day for all of us stay, of which we will say later: I remember exactly where I was when I got the first message heard about the war in Ukraine and the first pictures have seen of it. – Our first thoughts in these Minutes applied and they apply unchanged to this day whole people of Ukrainians.

Merz originally said "This September 24, 2022 will be remembered..." and was corrected.

Given that he wrote "I remember exactly where I was when I got the first message heard about the war in Ukraine and the first pictures have seen of it", it seems very believable that he accidentally said the current month instead of the month of the invasion. It seems less believable that he was making some mysterious numerological prediction.

More here.
Google Translate:

Merz originally said "This September 24, 2022 will be remembered..." and was corrected.

Given that he wrote "I remember exactly where I was when I got the first message heard about the war in Ukraine and the first pictures have seen of it", it seems very believable that he accidentally said the current month instead of the month of the invasion. It seems less believable that he was making some mysterious numerological prediction.

More here.
thanks the source of that vid claimed its not older than a week so crap.Made a deeper research now and you are fully correct
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I don't remember where I was that day, I'm sorry
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