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Accounting firms in Dubai, which one to use?


Mentor Group Lifetime
Mar 26, 2024
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I'm looking for a good and cost effective accounting firm in Dubai handling our accounting and reporting needs for the company setup in Dubai!

Can you recommend good accounting firms that can be trusted and are no so expensive?
You asked for "cost effective" otherwise use KPMG, PWC etc....lol.

Maybe someone will suggest something soon be patient.
Pick one from the list

They are well known
very good sebastian.

Someone know this company
Good answer, it would be the first time that I heard BDO to be inexpensive in such matters, maybe they are different in Dubai and it is worth to give them a call.
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Maybe 'inexpensive' is all relative... I used them for my RAK ibc (first a RAK Offshore then 'reregistered' at RAK ICC) from 2012 to 2019. Their yearly bill was comparable to the monthly cost of my accountant for my French SAS from 2001 to 2007. Which for me was inexpensive, but again it depends what you'd compare to. And costs in Dubai may have changed since I left in 2019.
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