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Accounting service for Seychelles and Belize company, need help?

Because if you need investors or to be trustworthy towards business partners they will require accounting and audited reports.
Many of our clients request this service for the same reason, if you need help, please submit a ticket here; More...
Also not to forget, if you get in any audit from the local tax office and they somehoe find out about the offshore company it is a good idea to show them audited accounts for that entity if there hasn't been only little or no activity.
So for keeping the tax man away it would be good idea to do audited accounts always for a Belize or Seychelles corp? or not?
If your local country starts an audit on you, and they discover your offshore company.... they will try to contact the bank for more information. Otherwise, they will have no idea how much money your company has processed except to guess. The problem is that they might guess very high, and then you will need to prove they are incorrect. The only way to prove them incorrect would be to show audited financial statements.

It is better to structure your offshore scheme so that you will never be associated with the offshore company(s) if you are personally audited.
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