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Advice on proof of Dubai Residency to open interactive brokers account


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Feb 7, 2023
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I opened a company using DLS Dubai before they ceased business operations. I have a company and am now a UAE resident with ID.

I am trying to open an interactive brokers account using Dubai, however they require proof of address. I assumed an Emirates ID card would have been sufficient.

As part of my job, I constantly travel and have no tax liability due to always moving around. I do not own property, and my nationality allows me to sever ties easily. I visit Dubai frequently but always stay in hotels. However, this is not sufficient for interactive brokers.

Is anybody able to provide any advice or guidance as to how I can open a brokers account? Or perhaps someone else is in the same situation.

Thank you very much!
Is anybody able to provide any advice or guidance as to how I can open a brokers account?

Firstly what forms of proof of address does IB actually require as of today? Have you not considered just renting a cheap apartment in Dubai just to get some paperwork? $5k will get you a Indian laborer type apartment for a year with all bills included...lol. Then just hook up cheapest internet connection so you now have two proofs of address. You wont even need to stay there.