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Andrew's Tate Zero Taxe Advice. (Works in UK and USA !???)

please let us know his name!
Not on this forum. smi(&%
Not even in the DM!
That guy is HEAVILY watched. We do NOT need that kind of smoke over here!
This forum is a gold mine of valuable & useful information on what NOT to do! rof/%

If you have TG or Session, Keybase, etc., send me a PM with it, and I'll send you the guy's name.

PS. This guy is NOT rich at all. He's quite poor. He is just wicked smart and insightful and a history buff, but he struggles to make a living. He does NOT sell the information he knows. He just freely shares it. Super nice guy! I met him long ago when nobody knew him, and I immediately recognized his genius. It takes a while to "acquire a taste" for his intellect! It's a complete paradigm shift!

I have not had any contact with him since the late 90s, and I do not want to. He is a great guy, but there is a target on his back! It's akin being friends with Snowden or Assange. No f*cking way! hi%#

And they used Tate;s video that OP posted of him saying he refused to pay tax in UK against him....lmao. I guess his tax advice aint really working out too well right now.

----- quote start

"Andrew Tate and Tristan Tate are serial tax and VAT evaders," Sarah Clarke KC for Devon and Cornwall Police told Westminster Magistrates' Court on Monday.

"They, in particular Andrew Tate, are brazen about it."

Ms Clarke quoted from a video posted online by Andrew Tate, in which he said: "When I lived in England I refused to pay tax."

----- quote end
I dipped out of this thread after I came across a post about him on gfy. I don't think it's a troll either based upon his post history. It made me realize it was no point in investigating whatever structure he was doing since it clearly was shady and stupid.

What about money laundering? If he gets nailed on anything, it will be this. They did talk about how they handled money, crypto, etc. They are big on crypto. Well, at least they were when we met. Then add casinos to the mix. He bragged to us how he'll never pay taxes to the West and it was impossible to catch him. I remember this vividly because I knew he was wrong. I didn't debate it with him, I just let him talk. He was interesting to listen to so that's what I did most of the time.
So I'm not surprised by the news. I find it strange that the rape and trafficking accusation make the biggest headlines, since governments certainly care more about tax evasion.

If he's guilty of tax evasion, how will the outcome be? How many years in jail, and in which prison? Romania or UK? I assume it will be Romania since that's where he's been living.

Anyway, he could have just kept his mouth shut and lived happily ever after with 21 million. Going from rags to riches is one thing but riches to jail is another.
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rof/% smi(&%

Exactly three days after this: Romanian Court Eases Travel Restriction On Andrew Tate Ahead Of Human-Trafficking Trial

When their house of cards implodes, sophists and casuists invent ANYTHING to continue eating at our wealth!

"Andrew Tate and Tristan Tate are serial tax and VAT evaders," Sarah Clarke KC for Devon and Cornwall Police told Westminster Magistrates' Court on Monday.

Suppose Ms. Sarah Clarke wants MORE money for her HMRC's coffers, even though she is a parasite contributing NOTHING to society. In that case, she should get a second and third job and, from the fruits of HER labor, donate HER fruits to His Majesty's Revenue & Customs (HMRC), so Prince Andrew can continue his trips to Epstein Island. ca#"!

I got a few words for Sarah Clarke and her "overlords." :mad:

This is my message:
If anyone sympathizes with such brutes, I hope that karma hits them hard and that justice is served. As long as it's just about money, I can tolerate cheating and deceit, but when it affects women and children as well as the weakest in society, that's where it ends for me.
The decision can be challenged by prosecutors within two days of notice. Andrew and Tristan Tate, former kickboxers with dual U.S. and British citizenship, are accused of forming an organized criminal group, human trafficking, and rape.
I dipped out of this thread after I came across a post about him on gfy. I don't think it's a troll either based upon his post history. It made me realize it was no point in investigating whatever structure he was doing since it clearly was shady and stupid.


So I'm not surprised by the news. I find it strange that the rape and trafficking accusation make the biggest headlines, since governments certainly care more about tax evasion.

If he's guilty of tax evasion, how will the outcome be? How many years in jail, and in which prison? Romania or UK? I assume it will be Romania since that's where he's been living.

Anyway, he could have just kept his mouth shut and lived happily ever after with 21 million. Going from rags to riches is one thing but riches to jail is another.
Civil case...

How long did he live in the UK?
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If anyone sympathizes with such brutes, I hope that karma hits them hard and that justice is served. As long as it's just about money, I can tolerate cheating and deceit, but when it affects women and children as well as the weakest in society, that's where it ends for me.
Do you have any actual evidence they committed crimes against women and children though? It seems to be very thin on the ground.
When you see all the videos made about this person, including those from the BBC, the man comes across as arrogant, hostile to others, and believes he is invincible! Whether he has abused women, I have no idea. But even Michael Jackson and various rock stars have committed abuses against children and women, and everyone denied it until there was solid evidence.

We can probably agree that Andrew Tate is not an angel on earth who has come to save the world from all evil.
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But even Michael Jackson and various rock stars have committed abuses against children and women, and everyone denied it until there was solid evidence.
Where is the SOLID evidence against Michael Jackson?

Source: ENTERTAINMENT Jackson Accuser's Mom Admits Lies

You would be SHOCKED at the number of people WILLING & ABLE (+99% of people) not only to sing but also to compose in order to gain some "money, cash or in kind."

"Defendants/profiteers will not only sing; they’ll compose and create evidence if they have to do that in order to get a deal.”
- Alan Dershowitz circa 1981.

I have seen this thousands of times and lost count even while keeping a diary. In my family, except my mom, not a single person would pass up on the chance to fabricate trumped-up charges against Michael Jackson or any other person with money...if they had the opportunity to earn a % of that money.

How many people do you think, if offered 10 million dollars, to press a button and k1ll every Russian, but nobody would ever find out with zero repercussions, would NOT do it? :rolleyes:

PS. Be careful! The last question is a trick question that reveals how the person answering really is "under the hood." ;)

If anyone sympathizes with such brutes, I hope that karma hits them hard and that justice is served. As long as it's just about money, I can tolerate cheating and deceit, but when it affects women and children as well as the weakest in society, that's where it ends for me.
smi(&% rof/%
When you see all the videos made about this person, including those from the BBC, the man comes across as arrogant, hostile to others, and believes he is invincible! Whether he has abused women, I have no idea. But even Michael Jackson and various rock stars have committed abuses against children and women, and everyone denied it until there was solid evidence.

We can probably agree that Andrew Tate is not an angel on earth who has come to save the world from all evil.
Evidence against Michael Jackson? Wait, didn't the accusations start after 'somebody' disliked the lyrics of this song?

And if "everyone who comes across as arrogant, hostile to others and believes he is invincible" was a crime, Ursula van de Leyen, Justin Trudou, Donald Trump, Biden, all of the Wallstreet, all banksters, all government employes around the world, all lawyers, all 'fact checkers', and I guess all the politicians should be in jail for life. Not that I would oppose it in any way.
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And if "everyone who comes across as arrogant, hostile to others and believes he is invincible" was a crime, Ursula van de Leyen, Justin Trudou, Donald Trump, Biden, all of the Wallstreet, all banksters, all government employes around the world, all lawyers, all 'fact checkers', and I guess all the politicians should be in jail for life.
NGL, I don't think I (or most of us) would have a problem with that smi(&%

But, in all seriousness, your point is right
I bet most of the people on this forum have more fun and excitement in life than Tate, just more discrete.
Why exchange to something worse, and expose yourself to problems?

I just wonder why Tate gets so much hate, though. I'm indifferent to the guy. He's repeating what most of us already know, but he uses a different style and platform to spread his message. NGL, I wished there was a Tate-like figure +30 years ago...I would have saved myself a LOT of headaches and needless expenses. stupi#21 stupi#21 stupi#21 stupi#21 stupi#21
Illogical Venn Diagram.webp

Why would ANYONE hate/dislike the entrepreneur on the right and love the evil bastards/thieves on the left? :rolleyes:
I bet most of the people on this forum have more fun and excitement in life than Tate, just more discrete.
Why exchange to something worse, and expose yourself to problems?
Well we have no idea about his life really, only the outward facing stuff which up until his arrest certainly looked fun in parts. Whether it was worth swapping depends on all the stuff we don't see.

I just wonder why Tate gets so much hate, though. I'm indifferent to the guy. He's repeating what most of us already know, but he uses a different style and platform to spread his message. NGL, I wished there was a Tate-like figure +30 years ago...I would have saved myself a LOT of headaches and needless expenses. stupi#21 stupi#21 stupi#21 stupi#21 stupi#21
View attachment 7251

Why would ANYONE hate/dislike the entrepreneur on the right and love the evil bastards/thieves on the left? :rolleyes:
Just a case of if the media repeats a message often enough, people take it on board and file it under their strongly held beliefs without ever thinking about it.

I've lost count of people who I've spoken to that just parrot that he's a mysogynist. And they also say Trump is "a threat to our democracy" and Putin "illegally invaded the free and democratic nation of Ukraine". All you need to ask is "why?" and it's basically end of conversation.

Are they dumb enough to tell me Bidens as sharp as a tack though? Surely not but you ever know!

Well we have no idea about his life really, only the outward facing stuff which up until his arrest certainly looked fun in parts. Whether it was worth swapping depends on all the stuff we don't see.

Just a case of if the media repeats a message often enough, people take it on board and file it under their strongly held beliefs without ever thinking about it.

I've lost count of people who I've spoken to that just parrot that he's a mysogynist. And they also say Trump is "a threat to our democracy" and Putin "illegally invaded the free and democratic nation of Ukraine". All you need to ask is "why?" and it's basically end of conversation.

Are they dumb enough to tell me Bidens as sharp as a tack though? Surely not but you ever know!

This video is fun and shows really a person who already was to old to be president. Anyway, this is not a thread about Biden but Andrew Tate, so let's stick to it.

I bet most of the people on this forum have more fun and excitement in life than Tate, just more discrete.
Why exchange to something worse, and expose yourself to problems?
Most often spending so much time reading OCT each day it makes me feel you're right.
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This video is fun and shows really a person who already was to old to be president. Anyway, this is not a thread about Biden but Andrew Tate, so let's stick to it.

Most often spending so much time reading OCT each day it makes me feel you're right.
The video was less about Biden but more to show how the mainstream media use the same messaging across several mediums. "He's as sharp as ever" "He's a mysogynist" "He's a threat to our democracy". Tate victim of the same thing, virtually every beltway media uses the same terminology. The propaganda multiplier effect that starts from Reuters, AFP etc.
Yes I'm aware of it, the media is manipulating as hell and it won't stop here.
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