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Any credit card processor for payment company ?

It's hard to help you when you're not sharing much detail about your setup. In my experience, that's often either due to inexperience (not knowing what details are important) or because you know your traffic is dodgy/high-risk (looking to pull a fast one).

You can go speak with FirstData, Worldline, Adyen, Worldpay, Stripe, Chase Paymentech, and other multi-national/multi-regional card processors. If you have or realistically project a solid client base, they are some examples of acquirers that work on a PF or ISO model, which it sounds like you're after.
OP - with that attitude, you will not find any good help here. If you really want to keep everything secret and just find a solution yourself, then mentor group gold is the right place for you. Check out their resource database which is filled with good payment processors.