Yes a wallet specifically for business that could accept BTC and USDT (trc-20 and erc-20).
With fiat conversion and the ability to send fiat to other business accounts around the world.
No preference regarding KYC, all green and legit.
If you'd like a single wallet that accepts both BTC and USDT, check out trust wallet - Note that you'll have to manually add the contract address TR7NHqjeKQxGTCi8q8ZY4pL8otSzgjLj6t to list USDT trc20 in the wallet. One drawback with this wallet is that BTC payments can be extremely slow. So if your business requires fast BTC payments, you may want to consider the Electrum wallet as well - Electrum supports Bitcoin transactions both on-chain (slower) and off-chain via the lightning network (much faster). But in order to receive lightning payments, your clients must also have access to exchanges or wallets that support lightning payments as well.
In regards to fiat conversions, the Trust wallet does allow you to buy/sell cryptos through 3rd-party services. But if you are looking to convert cryptos to fiat and send the fiat from your wallet to a bank account, look into Spritz Finance - or better yet, just send your crypto to a centralized exchange (CEX) like Coinbase, Kraken, or Binance and use the exchange to send fiat to your bank account. You'll pay a lot less in fees by using CEXs. I'm not aware of any crypto wallets that allow you to send fiat to other accounts across the globe and I doubt that any such wallets exist. The movement of fiat will always be governed by and subject to the approval of the central banks, so its unlikely that any crypto wallet will be able to facilitate this without a high degree of scrutiny.
If you're ok with KYC, I'd definitely recommend starting with a CEX to serve as the go-to for exchanging your cryptos for fiat and vice versa. But be advised that these exchanges will only send fiat to accounts that you verifiably own. However once you have the fiat in your bank account, you can then send it to other business accounts across the globe (subject to the approval of banks of course). Use your preferred wallets of choice to accept crypto payments from your clients and when you're ready to convert any of your crypto to fiat, send it to the exchange and do so there.
Without knowing your company's transaction volume, average transaction amounts, or strategies of moving your capital, I'd imagine that a combination of at least 1 CEX and one or two of the previously mentioned wallets would likely help you to accomplish what you're seeking to do.