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Best Company setup + bank


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Jun 15, 2019
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Hi! I want some suggestions on best setup as I want to move my company out of current EU country due too strict tax inspectors.

Company rev is 2mil so don't want go offshore, want corp tax under 20% and a good bank that receives/sends wire in US/CA/UK fast.

Most important is that jurestiction is not known for heavy check/tax inspections on company expenses/invoices. Our main issue is that tax inspector wanted all the advertising history/what was paid/which campaign was run for us (over 1000 papers) for each advertising invoice that we received from UK or CA company, I want so that the invoice we receive for advertising cost is enough to count as company expense without extra work to elabore exactly what that company done for us.

A friend of mine recommended me Liechtenstein, with one AG Holding me as owner, and this holding owner of Ltd where operations are made, cost is quite high 60k+, inspections are a lot less i heard, is that a good option or better/cheaper alternative?
Within the EU best choices in my opinion are Cyprus (relaxed tax inspectors, 12% CIT rate) and Malta (more expensive, but only 5% effective CIT). Outside EU you could consider Georgia, Hong Kong, UAE.
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