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Brazilian personal account opening (for non-resident in brazil)


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Nov 24, 2016
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Dear folks,

I need to have an Brazilian account (or multi currency account which has Brazilian Real currency available).
Nevertheless, i'm not Brazilian and don't live there (actually living in Europe).

Should i rather find use a offshore multi-currency account ?
If yes, could you recommend me some banks ?

In the case the best option is the opening with a Brazilian bank, would bradesco be the best option ?

Are there some Brazilian mail forwarding services which forward to Europe ?


Do you need Brazilian bank details or just a bank account in BRL?

If the latter, see if there are any major Portugeuse, Spanish, or possibly Brazilian banks in your area or really any other major international banks. They might be able to open an account denominated in BRL for you if you ask.

If you want local Brazilian bank details, you'll struggle. Banks in Brazil don't open accounts for non-residents much.
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Do you need Brazilian bank details or just a bank account in BRL?

If the latter, see if there are any major Portugeuse, Spanish, or possibly Brazilian banks in your area or really any other major international banks. They might be able to open an account denominated in BRL for you if you ask.

If you want local Brazilian bank details, you'll struggle. Banks in Brazil don't open accounts for non-residents much.

I just need a bank account in BRL. In my case, (as you said and as i found out), it will be very difficult to have brazilian bank details. Bradesco seems to be an option nevertheless. Unfortunately, because of the coronavirus situation, i haven't been able to check by myself in brazil.

Until now, i haven't found any bank which open the brazilian currency available in their list. Do you know some banks which has the Brazilian real available ?

Thank for your answers.
No way a foreign bank will hold BRL. International branches of Brazilian banks might open a Brazilian account for you, but really I doubt it. Brazil is as complicated as it gets when it comes to making complications without a clear purpose.

Even a Brazilian non-resident, with a CPF, struggles to keep a functioning bank account.

I think you'd be better off starting a company and applying for a business account in Brazil (if you really need it - I see this route as a bureaucratic nightmare) - or hire someone in Brazil to be your proxy.
No way a foreign bank will hold BRL.

This is what it seems. I have call so many banks and each time, the answer is << no >>

International branches of Brazilian banks might open a Brazilian account for you, but really I doubt it. Brazil is as complicated as it gets when it comes to making complications without a clear purpose.

As you said, complicated. The bank << Banco do Brasil >> now just serves exclusively corporate (in France, portugal. I haven't checked the other european branch but it has to be the same)

Brazil is as complicated as it gets when it comes to making complications without a clear purpose.

Brazil is as complicated as it gets when it comes to making complications without a clear purpose.
Even a Brazilian non-resident, with a CPF, struggles to keep a functioning bank account.

Damn true. Everything is so difficult to achieve (if you don't have a shorcut :-D)

I think you'd be better off starting a company and applying for a business account in Brazil (if you really need it - I see this route as a bureaucratic nightmare)

I don't have to have any commercial activities in Brazil. Will it worth to open a company ? what about taxes ?
How much does cost this service. It's maybe a solution

hire someone in Brazil to be your proxy.

An another solution but not so comfortable with it. Do you know some providers ?
Dear folks,

I need to have an Brazilian account (or multi currency account which has Brazilian Real currency available).
Nevertheless, i'm not Brazilian and don't live there (actually living in Europe).

Should i rather find use a offshore multi-currency account ?
If yes, could you recommend me some banks ?

In the case the best option is the opening with a Brazilian bank, would bradesco be the best option ?

Are there some Brazilian mail forwarding services which forward to Europe ?



okay, cool. i feel relatively safe in answering this one.

can i give a quick geography/history lesson ? dont worry, it wont be worthless reading and it will all connect in the end. lol.

i would like to start off with a quote, very famous in brazilian business culture "brazil is not for beginners"
which translates to: the amount of bureaucracy + system loopholes + potential for profits Brazil presents, are huge, so if you are willing to take a bet, you are welcome, you can be greatly rewarded, but you better come out at your best shape (and lawyers, and connections and networking)

Brazil bordes 10 out of 12 south american countries , we are a huge hub in south america, I think when it comes to borders we only come behind china and russia, which have borders with 14 different countries. but here is the catch, unlike them, we are a multiethnic nation, what it means is, anyone with any physical biotype can claim to be brazilian and go under the radar, you will never look like an alien, it doesn't matter your ethnicity , combine that with the border weak patrolling and you get this explosive result, brazil is #1 runaway go-to to a lot of people (not saying is your case, lol. please!)

on top of all that , multiethnic + religion freedom + huge boarders with weak patrol and easy escape routes, you have the "friendliness stereotype" by other nations, you may not know hack about brazil, but whenever the name its brought up, people come up with this image of football, endless summer, hot chicks, music, nice people, a country with a non war, conflicts and interference history, and so on.. which is not far from the truth. at the other side we do have the heavy bureaucracy , mild corruption (mild, not like african type or eastern european type corruption, but not as clean as those nordic countries). overall if you put all the pros and cons in a balance, it is definitely a pro to invest in brazil, dont take my word for it, just look at all the multinationals that come here.

now, finally, lets get to the point, you are not here for a lesson history..

how to open a bank account as a non-brazilian citizen or resident (and why all the above introduction will make sense now)

straight to the point: no you are not going to open an account in brazil as a tourist. HOWEVER, as we have learned above, brazil is not beginners, with the right connections and loopholes, you can get a brazilian bank account. as a quick example, I can mention the huge influx of venezuelans crossing the boarder nowadays. they all got bank accounts at federal banks without being citzens, why ? there are two powehouses state banks in brazil (state banks, not the private ones) , CAIXA ECONOMICA FEDERAL and BANCO DO BRASIL, so those banks were magically allowed to start opening account for this people independent of their status in Brazil. Now, thats not your case, so below I will describe what would be my options to you:

1. apply for a RNE , the equivalent of a social security in brazil . not easy, but not impossible, you can even hire people to do it for you.

2. proxy/outsource , someone mentioned this here, yes, its a valid option, you gotta have a lot of trust in the person. there will be people willing to "rent" their name and cpf (cpf = brazilian social security) to you, as well as go to the bank, open the account, then give you password/pin so you can operate online yourself. its like buying a all-in-one solution.

3. start a company. I can ask my accountant (I googled it, but my accountant is better than google , lol) and I can find out the details, shortcuts and hurdles for a foreigner open a company and subsequently open business bank account in brazil. my accountant (just like many accountants) got his networking, and might be able to help you, if you wish , let me know, I send you my whatsapp/skype by PM and we talk face to face and try to assist you.

4. brazilian banks abroad: there are branches of brazilian banks abroad, like Bradesco, Itau, Banco do Brasil, however, I truly don't know their opening process , plus, many times, the simple fact you have opened a bank account at a brazilian bank abroad not necessarily means it will be a brazilian account. An example for that would be Santander. Santander is a spanish bank, with branches everywhere in Europe, Brazil, USA .. I have a Santander account, that doesn't mean I have a EURO account, it means I have an account at Santander Brazil, even though they have the same name, its the same bank, they are not connected. (odd right..) but it definitely I believe its a facilitator, I mean, if you already a , lets say, Banco do Brasil client in wherever you are, visiting Brazil getting into a Banco do Brasil branch , introducing yourself as a client already, sending and keeping and holding a account in BRL must be less bureaucratic than start from the scratch.

thats about it. I hope to have helped.
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1. apply for a RNE , the equivalent of a social security in brazil . not easy, but not impossible, you can even hire people to do it for you.

This can be an option. In some days (the time to have the brazil's borders opened), i will travel to sao paulo and be be able to apply for this document.
Nevertheless, once received a receipt of my RNE (that can be used while the document is not ready), can i go directly open my bank account ?

2. proxy/outsource , someone mentioned this here, yes, its a valid option, you gotta have a lot of trust in the person. there will be people willing to "rent" their name and cpf (cpf = brazilian social security) to you, as well as go to the bank, open the account, then give you password/pin so you can operate online yourself. its like buying a all-in-one solution.

This option is the fastest one. Nevertheless, do you know where i get this kind of services ?
Find trustful person will be something hard... very hard... :-D

3. start a company. I can ask my accountant (I googled it, but my accountant is better than google , lol) and I can find out the details, shortcuts and hurdles for a foreigner open a company and subsequently open business bank account in brazil. my accountant (just like many accountants) got his networking, and might be able to help you, if you wish , let me know, I send you my whatsapp/skype by PM and we talk face to face and try to assist you.

This option seems to be the safer one (no proxy and all legal). Nevertheless, this company won't have any activity. Won't it be closed automatically ?
What about the annual cost of this company ?

4. brazilian banks abroad: there are branches of brazilian banks abroad, like Bradesco, Itau, Banco do Brasil, however, I truly don't know their opening process , plus, many times, the simple fact you have opened a bank account at a brazilian bank abroad not necessarily means it will be a brazilian account. An example for that would be Santander. Santander is a spanish bank, with branches everywhere in Europe, Brazil, USA .. I have a Santander account, that doesn't mean I have a EURO account, it means I have an account at Santander Brazil, even though they have the same name, its the same bank, they are not connected. (odd right..) but it definitely I believe its a facilitator, I mean, if you already a , lets say, Banco do Brasil client in wherever you are, visiting Brazil getting into a Banco do Brasil branch , introducing yourself as a client already, sending and keeping and holding a account in BRL must be less bureaucratic than start from the scratch.

Unfortunately, living in europe, i called those branches. Unfortunately, they don't open account. Bank of brazil has closed his agency and now juster business clients.

Thank you for your answer. Let's talk by PM or e-mail.
Man, i really cannot imagine why you want hold BRL that crazily. Perhaps to be able to play with the currency exchange trading feast ??? (we have one of or THE most volatile currency worldwide)...

Understood you wrote above that the idea is to not have services or business to be operative in there, which makes the adventure of open a company in there even more senseless. You would simply be diving into one of the most complexes business environment in the world. Crazy bureaucracy and taxation, you will be against the flow, but... I guess you have a strong reason for that.

In Brasil you cannot hold multiple currency accounts. To open from outside brasil i guess only Banco do Brasil in Japan (there are thousands of brazilians living there) and perhaps new york branch) could handle personal bank account. I would still bet they would ask for RNE + CPF though.

Forget international banks helping to open account in Brasil. In the past only HSBC had something in that sense. Now, not anymore ever since they sold their local operation.

In resume, it is costly to keep a business running in there and quite a good amount of work to handle. If your sources of income to be generated are interesting enough, dive into but think in long term and prepare yourself for a great adventure!

But who am i to disencourage. If you are going to SP get a RNE and CPF, but i'm not that sure you can do that for short trips.
Man, i really cannot imagine why you want hold BRL that crazily. Perhaps to be able to play with the currency exchange trading feast ??? (we have one of or THE most volatile currency worldwide)...

Understood you wrote above that the idea is to not have services or business to be operative in there, which makes the adventure of open a company in there even more senseless. You would simply be diving into one of the most complexes business environment in the world. Crazy bureaucracy and taxation, you will be against the flow, but... I guess you have a strong reason for that.

In Brasil you cannot hold multiple currency accounts. To open from outside brasil i guess only Banco do Brasil in Japan (there are thousands of brazilians living there) and perhaps new york branch) could handle personal bank account. I would still bet they would ask for RNE + CPF though.

Forget international banks helping to open account in Brasil. In the past only HSBC had something in that sense. Now, not anymore ever since they sold their local operation.

In resume, it is costly to keep a business running in there and quite a good amount of work to handle. If your sources of income to be generated are interesting enough, dive into but think in long term and prepare yourself for a great adventure!

But who am i to disencourage. If you are going to SP get a RNE and CPF, but i'm not that sure you can do that for short trips.

I do understand your circumspection. As it has been told above, too much useless bureaucrazy.
Unfortunately, a bank account there is an option i have to consider :-D
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so is there any updates on the topic? did you able to open your bank account?
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