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Building an OnlyFans alternative - Looking for bank


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May 9, 2020
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I am currently building an onlyfans alternative with a company based in EU.
I made some search to know with which bank OnlyFans (UK) or Mym (FR) are working with ?

A fun fact with mym is that they ask creator to send them an invoice to unlock funds (https://support.mym.fans/hc/en-us/articles/360013757980-Withdrawing-my-earnings), maybe there is a difference for banks to have invoices ?

One of you already heard something about them or maybe know some banks/emi who are friendly with that ?

Thank you
To get started and build up some creditability you could start with one of the mentioned and then once you have money to put on the table speak with even local banks. Right now I would bet a million that regardless which bank you ask they will say it is P**N and tell you where the door is!

I am currently building an onlyfans alternative with a company based in EU.
I made some search to know with which bank OnlyFans (UK) or Mym (FR) are working with ?

A fun fact with mym is that they ask creator to send them an invoice to unlock funds (https://support.mym.fans/hc/en-us/articles/360013757980-Withdrawing-my-earnings), maybe there is a difference for banks to have invoices ?

One of you already heard something about them or maybe know some banks/emi who are friendly with that ?

Thank you
You need an absolutely different solution rather than traditional banking.
You got some good suggestions here, I think it will be difficult to go to a regular street bank with your business and get them open a bank account for your needs unless your company is a big company.
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One of you already heard something about them or maybe know some banks/emi who are friendly with that ?

Sorry are you looking for just a bank/EMI to custody the company funds or a payment processor to receive the funds?
A bank, there is a lot of payment processors for this industry, but not a lot of online informations about bank to hold company funds and send wiretransfers to creators.

Then just use Verotel and their Yoursafe Business Account - it's an EMI account however. They have a good ecosystem for adult industry. Don't waste your time searching for banks with the rigth risk appetite. Once you have a track record it might become easier.


All Verotel accounts come with a Yoursafe Business Account.

From this account merchants can send money worldwide using SEPA, wire transfer, US ACH or US Check. Yoursafe Business Accounts also allow direct transfers to Yoursafe Talent Accounts by manual payments, mass payments or Automated Talent Payments.
