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E-Gold account

You need to contact an e-gold processing company, there are many processing companies which do their services in Asia. You can also see e-gold trusted companies in their websites. Further I don't think that people are interested in e-gold anymore.
You should not use eGold they are under investigation by the FBI and that for a long time, many have left this company and are using services like LR or Alertpay.

e-Gold was good in the early days but now it is a dieing company.

I tried egold once and it was awful! I couldn't understand it for the life of me. I don't know why they had to make it so hard. Plus your account changed by the value it was so weird. Use alertpay or paypal!
E-gold is trying to redefine itself to make it more legitimate. The company founder released a statement in 2008 stating there are plans for the company to get licensed, among other things.

e-gold Blog: A New Beginning
tongyun said:
E-gold is trying to redefine itself to make it more legitimate. The company founder released a statement in 2008 stating there are plans for the company to get licensed, among other things.
e-gold Blog: A New Beginning
This was in Nov 08, now it is June 09 - wonder how long they will need to get their business up again, if ever!
Moh1 said:
This was in Nov 08, now it is June 09 - wonder how long they will need to get their business up again, if ever!
Yup, but that was what I could find on their website. You'd think if there was anything new that it would be posted but given that that's the last communication, I'd be careful about using their services.