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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2008
All new threads in this section must be approved by a staff member before going live.

1. Threads in this section may only pertain to business conducted through this forum. This includes PM's.

2. You must attempt all reasonable forms of resolution before posting a thread in this section. This includes diligently exhausting all forms of contact, waiting for 72 hours at a minimum, and informing the other party of your intention to list them on the scammer section on OffshoreCorpTalk.

3. You must state your case as clearly as you can in your first post. Include all the evidence you can; logs of conversations, screenshots, links to the accused members profile, links to any posts related to the dispute, and the resolution you are looking for.

4. If you are not directly related to the situation, or are not offering information directly related to the situation: do not post in the thread.

5. You may not post any personal information in the thread. This includes physical addresses, phone numbers, real names, unrelated internet properties, pictures of the accused, and social media accounts.

6. OffshoreCrorpTalk Ownership, Management, and staff members are not liable for your losses. Your business decisions are your responsibility, due diligence should be a vital component to any transactions. While we are not responsible for your losses, we will do our best to prevent, respond, and mediate applicable situations.

Failure to adhere to the rules of this section may result in you receiving infractions or being banned from the forum. Posting invalid scam threads, without the required details, or generally ignoring the rules of this section will not be tolerated.
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