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Germany calls for end of national vetoes on EU tax and foreign policy

Martin Everson

Offshore Retiree
Staff member
Jan 2, 2018
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Get out while you still can damn_(.

---- quote start

German foreign minister Annalena Baerbock has called for an end to the requirement for unanimous agreement of European Union member states for taxation and foreign policy decisions, so the union can continue to function as it adds new members.

In a key speech on enlargement at Germany’s foreign ministry, Ms Baerbock argued that national vetoes should be removed to ensure the EU can have a stronger international voice and not become hamstrung by differences of opinion as new countries join.

“In areas where the principle of unanimity still applies, decisions become ever more difficult because there are individual countries that block decisions,” she said in a speech at the foreign ministry in Berlin.

“We should be able to take more decisions on the basis of qualified majority voting, be that in the field of taxation or external action,” she added. “This will also mean that countries like Germany can be outvoted. Any country can be outvoted.”

She spoke at a German government event dedicated to considering how the EU needs to reform in order to add new members such as Ukraine and the western Balkans.

Her comments come after weeks in which the EU struggled to present a unified position on the conflict between Israel and Hamas, which revealed a gulf between Germany’s strongly pro-Israel position and the views of Ireland among other member states.

“It is not about giving up sovereignty,” she told the event, saying instead that all member states would benefit from a stronger EU “which is capable of having a voice of its own in the competition of powers and can stand up for the interests of its citizens”.

Ms Baerbock also revived the idea of reducing the number of EU commissioners so that not every member state would always have one each.

This idea was initially proposed in the Lisbon Treaty, but was dropped in a concession to Ireland after Irish voters rejected it in a referendum in 2008.

Ms Baerbock said the European Parliament and Commission “cannot simply be allowed to grow ever bigger” as the EU adds new member states.

Instead, groups of countries could share positions within the commission, and the EU could “divide up large commission portfolios among several member states”, she suggested.

The foreign minister acknowledged that ideas like removing vetoes and reducing the number of commissioners are “especially difficult for smaller countries” as they fear losing their voice within the EU.

Ireland has traditionally strongly opposed removing national vetoes, particularly in the area of taxation.

Ms Baerbock said compromises could be found to assuage such fears, suggesting as an example that instead of having national vetoes in taxation and foreign policy decisions, countries could deploy a “yellow card” that would trigger continued negotiations to try to reach a compromise.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine brought the idea of expanding the EU back to life after years of stagnation, by illustrating why it is important not to disappoint countries that strive towards European integration.

North Macedonia foreign minister Bujar Osmani said there was great public “frustration” about the country’s lack of progress “despite being the best student in the class for years and years in our region”.

North Macedonia applied for EU membership in 2004, but accession negotiations have still not started even though it changed its name in the hope of advancing the process.

There was now, however, an “unprecedented awakening and awareness” within the EU that enlargement affects its geopolitical and security interests, Mr Osmani said. “I cannot go back and say to the people of North Macedonia after 24 years of struggle that the rules have changed.”

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P.S In case anyone wants to understand Qualified Majority Voting in EU see below for easy explanation.

total nightmare. seriously no words for it.
quick wiki:
"Annalena Charlotte Alma Baerbock is a German politician of the Alliance 90/The Greens party"

greens + studied at LSE... perfect combo... always them :rolleyes:
"She was the party's candidate for chancellor in the 2021 federal election. However, after the backlash she received due to a series of scandals involving her acts of plagiarism and exaggeration of her professional background in her CV, Olaf Scholz from SPD secured the chancellery instead. After the election, the Greens formed a traffic light coalition led by Olaf Scholz, and Baerbock was sworn in as Germany's first female foreign minister on 8 December 2021."
ok... that's usual politics stuff :oops:
From 2000 to 2004, Baerbock studied political science and public law at the University of Hamburg .
She completed internships at Norddeutscher Rundfunk, Deutsche Presseagentur and the Council of Europe.[18]

In 2005, Baerbock completed a one-year master course in public international law at the London School of Economics (LSE)
Early career

After her studies, Baerbock worked from 2005 to 2008 in the office of MEP Elisabeth Schroedter
. In 2008 and 2009, she worked as an adviser on foreign and security policies for the parliamentary group of the Alliance 90/The Greens in the Bundestag.

OOOOOKKKK, there's another one living in a bubble that hasn't worked a single day in her life. stupi#21

Baerbock has called for coal to be phased out in Germany by 2030, the implementation of a speed limit of 130 kilometers per hour (81 mph), and restricting the registration of cars to emission-free cars "by 2030 at the latest".
ffs 130kph on the autobahn?
She advocated the German government's financial support for NGOs such as SOS Humanity that rescue migrants in the Mediterranean.[94][95]

Since 2020, Baerbock has participated in the World Economic Forum's Young Global Leaders program, a group that has coached political representatives such as Emmanuel Macron, Sanna Marin and Jacinda Ardern.[101]

ok that's it. enough is enough.
Baerbock is your typical midwit idealogue. She is absolutely useless when it comes to it, but she can articulate ideas that resonate with other midwits in German society.
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Baerbock is your typical midwit idealogue. She is absolutely useless when it comes to it, but she can articulate ideas that resonate with other midwits in German society.
115 IQ is low (IMHO) and ~85% of people have 115 or less, so with "demonCRAZY" we are all in a "bind" stupi#21

This was a GREAT article and the study was even more fun to read! Thank you very much for sharing! ;)
The follow up: Intelligence, IQ and the Midwit Effect: An Answer to Some Objections

I guess I agree with most of what he wrote; it works quite well alongside Desmet's mass formation theory. But I am not sure what Demet's theory is for why seemingly smart people believe in all manner of absurdities, especially during COVID-19 and whether he agrees with Eugypius.
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I guess I agree with most of what he wrote; it works quite well alongside Desmet's mass formation theory. But I am not sure what Demet's theory is for why seemingly smart people believe in all manner of absurdities, especially during COVID-19 and whether he agrees with Eugypius.
The COVID thingy is still a mystery to me.

On a parallel note: I have made promises here that I was going to write about how experts and professionals get things wrong more than even laymen and I will. The story is about a criminal case that destroyed so many innocent people's lives. I am just NOT a good storyteller, but I have seen so many "experts" get things wrong since the early 80s. It's mind-boggling to me and it has been discussed in academia before. Here, for example, is a Forbes article: Why Experts Always Seem To Get It Wrong.

Just look at the 2008/2009 financial crisis as an example! How could they NOT have known that CDOs and synthetic CDOs were going to collapse the market of people who were NOT creditworthy to purchase, much less own and regularly maintain and upkeep, a home? The movie The Big Short shows the absurdity/failure of the experts' hubris.
It’l pass - what surprised me over the years is just how many 60+ year olds consider farage a right wing lunatic “swiss” - and how they felt Brexit was wrong “Swiss”

My point there the only non EU country in landlocked Western Europe has people that vocally were against Brexit and naturally it’s pusher - what’s more they seemingly when discussed like the idea of the EU.

In addition the same age range belgiums I’ve spoken to that are pro “no rights”.

The COVID thingy is still a mystery to me.

On a parallel note: I have made promises here that I was going to write about how experts and professionals get things wrong more than even laymen and I will. The story is about a criminal case that destroyed so many innocent people's lives. I am just NOT a good storyteller, but I have seen so many "experts" get things wrong since the early 80s. It's mind-boggling to me and it has been discussed in academia before. Here, for example, is a Forbes article: Why Experts Always Seem To Get It Wrong.

Just look at the 2008/2009 financial crisis as an example! How could they NOT have known that CDOs and synthetic CDOs were going to collapse the market of people who were NOT creditworthy to purchase, much less own and regularly maintain and upkeep, a home? The movie The Big Short shows the absurdity/failure of the experts' hubris.
Something big went down in NZ with armed police yesterday or the night before - doctors houses raided who exposed Covid faux data etc

One side note - had this from a friend yesterday

All since Covid vaccines

“Sorry I missed your call, I was actually on the phone with Villy up in Manchester when you rang so I didn't even see you called. He haf a while load of bad s**t going on recently. IE, his dad had a heart attack and got diagnosed with some other major heart issue, his sister just got diagnosed with potentially deadly cancer on her kidneys and glands”.

- personally I’ve had two episodes of sheer pain and loss of control for the body since the vaccine one two days after the second dose - and one last week.

Brief but disturbing
  • Wow
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All since Covid vaccines

“Sorry I missed your call, I was actually on the phone with Villy up in Manchester when you rang so I didn't even see you called. He haf a while load of bad s**t going on recently. IE, his dad had a heart attack and got diagnosed with some other major heart issue, his sister just got diagnosed with potentially deadly cancer on her kidneys and glands”.

- personally I’ve had two episodes of sheer pain and loss of control for the body since the vaccine one two days after the second dose - and one last week.

Brief but disturbing
:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: My Gawd! I'm Gobsmacked!
My Gawd! I'm Gobsmacked!
T's is what it is.

Unfortunately in some places you were led to believe it was a requirement to 'exist' -> i know where I am they didn't state you can refuse, but at the same time they locked us down in 2 sqm for over a month and said life will be like this unless people get vaccinated.

So you just rolled with it.

In future (i've learned) i will drive a 4x4 through their barricades (and lead the masses on a riot).

Ref NZ
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  • Wow
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The COVID thingy is still a mystery to me.

On a parallel note: I have made promises here that I was going to write about how experts and professionals get things wrong more than even laymen and I will. The story is about a criminal case that destroyed so many innocent people's lives. I am just NOT a good storyteller, but I have seen so many "experts" get things wrong since the early 80s. It's mind-boggling to me and it has been discussed in academia before. Here, for example, is a Forbes article: Why Experts Always Seem To Get It Wrong.

Just look at the 2008/2009 financial crisis as an example! How could they NOT have known that CDOs and synthetic CDOs were going to collapse the market of people who were NOT creditworthy to purchase, much less own and regularly maintain and upkeep, a home? The movie The Big Short shows the absurdity/failure of the experts' hubris.
they don't get it wrong at all.When i was studing econemy i thought i new majority since i read every book the univerisity told us to,read all magazines and was listenting to the so called experts (during dot com bubble)
People calling them experts are fools like me in that time.These people do not work for the crowd.They work for big financial institutions who make their money based on bad decissions from the crowd.So whos interrested are they going to work on.They intentionly get the crowd moving in a direction which favours these companies agenda.
At that time they praised the never ending moon so retailers would keep jumping in at peak so institutions could unload their s**t to them.
As sooner people realize that all these so called experts are nothing else but barkers as better for them and their wallets.

A nice example is wirecard.I'm subscribed to a private squak where you have to pay 900 pounds a month.
During that time this squak informed me about the bad results of the investigation so i bought put options since price moved only 1% down when buying.I waited 2 hours and it just moved to -1.1% so i thought what a bulls**t scam again
that the market is not reacting on these kind of news.
3 hours after getting the news from the private squak the news poppped everywhere synchroned on all financial websites and news website.The stock tanked at that day at its peak 70%.
I made a killing and can only imagine how much the financial institutions made thanks to their barkers.

The movie etc is just a stupid explanation for the dumb crowd that the financial institutions had not their hands involved in that.People watch a movie and their brain accepts it as reality.Making a simply guy who made a billion a hero were trillions of wealth have been transfered.

Real estates are getting in the end milked again.It has a purpose on their agenda which failed in 2012.When exectly its going to happen i can't tell but it will happen till end of 2027 again on their second try where there is no more opposition like in 2011-2013

It’l pass - what surprised me over the years is just how many 60+ year olds consider farage a right wing lunatic “swiss” - and how they felt Brexit was wrong “Swiss”

My point there the only non EU country in landlocked Western Europe has people that vocally were against Brexit and naturally it’s pusher - what’s more they seemingly when discussed like the idea of the EU.

In addition the same age range belgiums I’ve spoken to that are pro “no rights”.

Something big went down in NZ with armed police yesterday or the night before - doctors houses raided who exposed Covid faux data etc

One side note - had this from a friend yesterday

All since Covid vaccines

“Sorry I missed your call, I was actually on the phone with Villy up in Manchester when you rang so I didn't even see you called. He haf a while load of bad s**t going on recently. IE, his dad had a heart attack and got diagnosed with some other major heart issue, his sister just got diagnosed with potentially deadly cancer on her kidneys and glands”.

- personally I’ve had two episodes of sheer pain and loss of control for the body since the vaccine one two days after the second dose - and one last week.

Brief but disturbing
I really recommend taking actions as you still can limit the negativ effects of the jab.
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The movie etc is just a stupid explanation for the dumb crowd that the financial institutions had not their hands involved in that.People watch a movie and their brain accepts it as reality.Making a simply guy who made a billion a hero were trillions of wealth have been transfered.
rof/% Interesting point and as far as non-critical thinkers with NO skin in the game, you are 100% correct!
I've had many people watch the movie and discussed it with them afterward... ***

(1) People who had NO skin in the game, e.g. employees, students, etc, saw the movie and described it EXACTLY as you mentioned! ;)
(2) People who owned properties with mortgages and were heavily invested in real estate and the stock market saw *AND FELT* EXACTLY what Warren & Charlie warned about vis-à-vis the housing crisis starting in 2001 at their Berkshire Annual Shareholders' meetings in Omaha.

PS. *** It is easier to have people watch a movie than watch & read about 100 hours of Berkshire Annual SHareholders' Meetings on YouTube smi(&%
Errrrr how did we get here on this thread...lol conf/(%

Anyway to bring it back on track I feel the EU is going to split (because of qualified majority voting) into voting blocks. i.e a block of countries in camp no migrants perhaps or camp far right etc. In any case if this happens which seems likely as the only way to decide stuff going forward in EU is to be part of a block of like minded countries within the EU in order to get the numbers. It also means smaller countries will have no real say or power in the EU in general and equality among countries ends.

My feeling is they may get unintended negative consequences from moving in this direction hi%#

P.S As always get out of the EU while you still can damn_(
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Errrrr how did we get here on this thread...lol conf/(%

Anyway to bring it back on track I feel the EU is going to split (because of qualified majority voting) into voting blocks. i.e a block of countries in camp no migrants perhaps or camp far right etc. In any case if this happens which seems likely as the only way to decide stuff going forward in EU is to be part of a block of like minded countries within the EU in order to get the numbers. It also means smaller countries will have no real say or power in the EU in general and equality among countries ends.

My feeling is they may get unintended negative consequences from moving in this direction hi%#

P.S As always get out of the EU while you still can damn_(
That is done deal.
Friedman from Stratfor described that already in 2015 that eastern europe will split and create its own union called the 3 sea initiative leaded by poland
Netherland may also break out
Its now very clear how US is moving its sources from Germany to Poland.
Also czech is getting oil from russia.Poland from czech.
Hungary is getting oil and gas from russia.
The west is going to pay for the transition on purpose.
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