Wondering how IB does the CRS reporting, since they want tax info right now and not sure what is best way to go around this?
Even if you only hold stocks and no cash on the account, will it still get reported?
How to circumvent this?
Maybe somehow information can get mangled up?
Any tips?
Before Brexit, EU resident's were all at IBUK who was introducing broker for IBLLC USA. In 2014 FATCA started and IRS sent tax data (name, surname, address, birth date, tax residency, TIN, account value on 31.12., gross interests, gross dividends, gross proceeds) to taxman of your country where you have tax residency.
Since 2017 we have CRS, and UK's HMRC sent this data to taxman of your tax residency country, IRS also sent data via FATCA.
At the end of 2020 we have all migrated to one of IB's branch in EU (IBIE, IBLUX, IBCE) so taxman from Ireland/Luxembourg/Hungary will share data via CRS to taxman of your country where you have tax residency. And IRS will also sent data via FATCA.
There are some differences between CRS and FATCA (accounts > $50.000, every country has specific bilateral agreement), but the main point for brokerage accounts is the same (account value, gross interests, gross dividends, gross proceeds).
You can find more info on this in Council Directive 2014/107/EU. It's a long and very detailed read.
And one more thing, back in 2014 and 2015 I didn't report dividends and interest from USA (few hundred USD), my taxman sent me a letter in 2016 stating FATCA agreement and that IRS sent them data that I had dividend and interest income in USA.