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I have been browsing Internet since last 5 years.Initially the purpose was to listen good songs and to know,how e-mails are sent and received?But in 2007 I came know for the first time ,that real cash be earned from Internet browsing.Now I don't listen online songs or watch videnly exploring possibilities how to earn more,Nothing else.How much is your net browsing experience?
Its really an awesome experience to stay connected all the time with your friends and families. Web 2.0 era has definitely brings some great revolution in our life. Not only one can share his knowledge with the world, but can also make use of his free time to earn few extra bucks.
hi friends I am in this field i.e. in net browsing since last three yrs though it is very small period and experience is not enough but for me I have enjoyed so many things and it is very interesting not only for earning money but also for gaining knowledge. I can not even think without net browsing.. I regularly doing this job except when I am in out of station.
During the last 8 years I have been on the net much have changed, something is better now than it was before while other stuff is simply been bad.... hope that the development of the Internet will be better in th future much can and will need to be improved.
The internet is changing so the ways everyone is behaving.... have seen a lot of changes, considering all the people around on the Social networks it looks like it is going to be a new world.
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