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Hungary/US Dual Citizen Living in Hungary. S-Corp?

Dual citizen with intention to live in Hungary. Keeping under 183 day limit is doable via traveling but would prefer staying there the whole year. 60-70K USD annual revenue from US remote contract work. I've read a little about S-Corps but Hungary's 15% gets rid of any savings a Delaware LLC could provide. I'm trying to find an accountant who is experienced with Hungary-US situations through my personal network but if anyone can recommend someone I'm all ears. What are my options?
If 15% taxes paid will kill all your savings than you must stay at home and get you a regular job. What you plan is not for you with this low income.

In addition you must speak with an professional tax advisor in Hungary to help you structure this correct to avoid troubles, if you also can't afford to pay a professional for this little task you are pretty much back to a job at Mc Donalds.
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