Following a couple of months of fruitless correspondence with the admin of this site, I feel the need to react to the defamatory comments posted in this thread.
For those who question the genuineness of the operations of Infinity Group: Infinity is a corporate service provider working as and in association with a group of companies holding regulatory licenses in the UK, Cyprus, Hong Kong, British Virgin Islands and the
Seychelles. The group employs over 100 people worldwide, lawyers, accountants, auditors and consultants and it has been operational for over two decades. The Group adheres to the highest level of professional, ethical and AML compliance standards.
Our products and services evolve with the market demand and legislative changes around the world, always making sure that the solutions we offer are unquestionably legal. We do inform our clients about the pros and cons of using offshore companies and dealing with offshore banks. We are in no way motivated to promote these products, other than the service fees received from our clients for a product or a bank introduction. We are in no way affiliated with any banks, we simply offer assistance with opening bank accounts in a bank of our client`s choice.
Me, personally, have been working for Infinity for over 6 years now. I proud myself to provide high quality professional assistance to my clients, and always welcome constructive comments and criticism from them.
The comments in this thread, however, are unsubstantiated, allegations that provide no details of miss-treatment of clients. Mr. Khan`s last entry is downright libelous. He offers no reason or explanation to his note. His placement of photographs in this thread in such context is defamatory and unacceptable. For that reason, I have been trying to correspond with the admin of this site in order to get his comment removed. Admin, regretfully, ignored my request.
It is somewhat a consolation that Mr. Khan has been banned form the site and his profile has been removed. This step confirms that his operation on this site had been offensive and intolerable. The defamatory entry, however, is still here to be seen. Prime example of online trolling and abuse, a stain on a professional reputation that seems to be impossible to remove.
Sincerely yours,
Valery F.
Infinity Group