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Low-cost dedicated server recommendations?


Jan 30, 2017
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Requirements: 1 TB (ssd) - HD, 18 TB - data transfer, 24 GB - RAM, Linux
Any experience with centohost.com or sivehost.com dedicated web hosting services?
So, are they trustworthy? What should I know before choosing a host?
I give my vote for sivehost.com servers. Their customer support was responsive and very helpful in transferring my files.
I have been here for 6 months, and uptime has been 99.94%. All my questions have been answered within 10 minutes of submission.
Why not to give Okayservers.com a try?
I have not been disappointed. It is an extremely proficient company and usually manages to answer support tickets in 10 minutes or less. I am pleased to deal with them!
Servers from hostingsource.com and hostsailor.com are great and reliable.
They have excellent technical support system. Very quick answers to questions as well. I would recommend them, especially to non-technical customers

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