What would be the best country to set up a holding company based on the following:
1. Holding Company must be located in a country that has a 0% tax treaty with the US regarding royalties.
The holding company owns several US LLCs (LLC A, LLC B, LLC C and so on) that only earn royalties and they have no other operations in the US or anywhere so they are tax transparent and the income flows directly to the Holding Company.
2. To utilize the tax treaty, the Holding Company must have Permanent Establishment in that country as well.
3. UBO lives in a 0% tax personal income/capital gains country with a tax treaty with the Holding Company jurisdiction.
There are a few places that come to mind that would be suitable for this. Let's say UBO lives in the UAE to keep it simple where there is no personal income tax or capital gains tax.
Cyprus at 12.5% corporate tax rate sounds like the lowest one (correct me if I'm wrong).
Georgia could be suitable too at 15% but with the added benefit that only distributed profits are taxed.
The kicker though, is that, let's say the Holding Company is making significant profits and the 12.5 or 15% tax rate is still more than what UBO is comfortable with paying so UBO will form a consultancy company in a tax-free jurisdiction (not important where for this discussion) that will provide services to the Holding Company (or directly to the LLC's if that's better) to lower the overall profits of the Holding Company. Transfer Pricing etc would be taken into consideration, everything would be done at arms length etc...
Now based on this, where and why would you form the Holding Company to optimize tax and simplicity?
1. Holding Company must be located in a country that has a 0% tax treaty with the US regarding royalties.
The holding company owns several US LLCs (LLC A, LLC B, LLC C and so on) that only earn royalties and they have no other operations in the US or anywhere so they are tax transparent and the income flows directly to the Holding Company.
2. To utilize the tax treaty, the Holding Company must have Permanent Establishment in that country as well.
3. UBO lives in a 0% tax personal income/capital gains country with a tax treaty with the Holding Company jurisdiction.
There are a few places that come to mind that would be suitable for this. Let's say UBO lives in the UAE to keep it simple where there is no personal income tax or capital gains tax.
Cyprus at 12.5% corporate tax rate sounds like the lowest one (correct me if I'm wrong).
Georgia could be suitable too at 15% but with the added benefit that only distributed profits are taxed.
The kicker though, is that, let's say the Holding Company is making significant profits and the 12.5 or 15% tax rate is still more than what UBO is comfortable with paying so UBO will form a consultancy company in a tax-free jurisdiction (not important where for this discussion) that will provide services to the Holding Company (or directly to the LLC's if that's better) to lower the overall profits of the Holding Company. Transfer Pricing etc would be taken into consideration, everything would be done at arms length etc...
Now based on this, where and why would you form the Holding Company to optimize tax and simplicity?